
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

月下美人-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「月下美人」(Queen of the Night)

此処は桃源郷 眼綴じ蹲る This is Arcadia, I close my eyes and crouch 「見ず」 ‘Without seeing’ 「言わず」 ‘Without uttering a word’ 「聞かず」 ‘Without listening’ 「触れず」 ‘Without touching’ 「感じず」 ‘Without feeling anything’ …夢心地? …As if in a dream? 首を垂れて今際を待つ私は既に枯れた躯 Waiting for the hour of my death with my head down, my body has already withered 縫い合わせた蕾を断末魔で切り裂けば If my agony before death cuts open the flower bud sewed up 花の色は目が眩む悲鳴 命紡ぐかの様に叫ぶ The flower colour is dazzling shriek, like it is creating a life 昨の影が手招きする 私に搦み付く虚ろ The shadow from yesterday wave, void clings to me 振り払えば立ち眩む痛み 然れど明に手を伸ばし叫ぶ I will feel the pain of lightheadedness if I shake it off, but I still reach out my hands to the dawn and cry 夢に触れれば儚い 現に触れれば慥か If I can have a dream, it will feel empty, if I can be back to the reality, it will feel certain いろはにほへと ちりぬるをわかよたれそ つねならむ Although its scent still lingers on, the form of a flower has scattered away, for whom will the glory of this world remain unchanged うゐのおくやま けふこえて あさきゆめみし Arriving today at the yonder side of the deep mountains of evanescent existence, we shall never allow ourselves to drift away in the world of shallow dreams* 両の手が眼を覆い暗い暗いと嘆いて I cover my eyes with my hands and sigh about the darkness 憐れみに腐るその様 夢見がちな滑稽と The way I rot in pity is dreamily funny 首を垂れて今際を待つ私は既に枯れた躯 Waiting for the hour of my death with my head down, my body has already withered 啄まれる痛みが引き摺り回すのは現なり Being at the mercy of the pecking pain is the reality 泣き喚き白に染まる 「透明」然れど其れは「極彩」 I wail and be dyed in white, it is ‘transparent’ but also ‘colourful’ 私はただ私で在れ 未だに搦み付く虚ろ I am just me, void is still clinging to me 振り返れば無色の甘い蜜 酔えばまやかし心は満つ It tastes like colourless nectar if I look back, my lying heart will be satisfied if I indulge myself 夢に触れれば儚い 現に触れれば慥か If I can have a dream, it will feel empty, if I can be back to the reality, it will feel certain 咲けば枯れて散って朽ちて終わる命 If I bloom, I will wither and rot 花が開きその時を刻む月夜 Flower opens on a moonlight night 生ける屍と化すのか 死すまで生を叫ぶか Do I want to be a living dead, or do I want to live out the best of my life until I die 風に揺れ夢撫でるか 風に揺れ現撫でるか Do I want to sway in the wind and carress my dream, or do I want to sway in the wind and carress the reality 花の色は目が眩む悲鳴 命紡ぐかの様に叫ぶ The flower colour is dazzling shriek, like it is creating a life 昨の影が手招きする 私に搦み付く虚ろ The shadow from yesterday wave, void clings to me 振り払えば立ち眩む痛み 然れど明に手を伸ばし叫ぶ I will feel the pain of lightheadedness if I shake it off, but I still reach out my hands to the dawn and cry 夢に触れれば儚い 現に触れれば慥か If I can have a dream, it will feel empty, if I can be back to the reality, it will feel certain いろはにほへと ちりぬるをわかよたれそ つねならむ Although its scent still lingers on, the form of a flower has scattered away, for whom will the glory of this world remain unchanged うゐのおくやま けふこえて あさきゆめみし ゑひもせす Arriving today at the yonder side of the deep mountains of evanescent existence, we shall never allow ourselves to drift away nor be intoxicated, in the world of shallow dreams* *Note: うゐのおくやま けふこえて あさきゆめみし ゑひもせす: The lyric is originally from Iroha but with a bit of alteration.

