
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Bye BAITO Bite-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「Bye BAITO Bite」(Bye Bye Job)

塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 退職上等! All I want is to quit! Hey!尋常ない拘束時間 Hey! Unusual length of restraining time 縛られし刻 16 時間 Being bound for 16 hours 鳴らぬ開闢と終焉の宣告者 No one will announce the start and the end Hey!進まない秒針と長針 Hey! The clock doesn't move 笑えない頬筋の脅威 The threat is serious そして、恐怖は現実のモノとなる And horror becomes reality 精神論錯綜する戦場 側から見ろ滑稽な宗教 A battlefield that is highly-dependent on willpower, think deeper, this is a funny religion 「明日シフト足りてないんだ…」 'We're short of hands tomorrow...' \悪魔的地獄宣告/ \Evil announcement of hell/ (嫌々嫌々)薄給激務(嫌々嫌々)貢献陶酔 (Ugh) underpaid yet demanding, (ugh) addicted to contribute 混沌たる思考停止 My brain feels stuck もう辞めようこんな BAITO は Maybe I should quit this job 今すぐ逃避だ逃げ出したい I'm escaping, I want to run away もう辞めようこんな Bite は Maybe it's time to quit this job 苦悩も疲労もバイバイ勤 Say goodbye to all the suffering and tiredness of this job もう辞めようこんな BAITO は Maybe I should quit this job 鎖に繋がれた明日は My tomorrow is locked up もう辞めようこんな Bite は Maybe it's time to quit this job 自由の翼を求めてる I want to break free 考える事もこゝろ壊していく Even thinking breaks my mind Hey!尋常ない仕事タスク Hey! Unusual work task 縛られし刻 14 連勤 Being forced to work 14 days straight 鳴らぬ開闢と終焉の宣告者 No one will announce the start and the end Hey!進まない足取り遣り取り Hey! Dragging my feet around and serving the customers 止まらない痙攣の経験 Cramps have happened countless times そして、恐怖は現実のモノとなる And horror becomes reality もう辞めようこんな BAITO は Maybe I should quit this job 今すぐ逃避だ逃げ出したい I'm escaping, I want to run away もう辞めようこんな Bite は Maybe it's time to quit this job 苦悩も疲労もバイバイ勤 Say goodbye to all the suffering and tiredness of this job もう辞めようこんな BAITO は Maybe I should quit this job 鎖に繋がれた明日は My tomorrow is caged もう辞めようこんな Bite は Maybe it's time to quit this job 自由の翼を求めてる It wants to break free 考える事もこゝろ壊していく Even thinking breaks my mind 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 塵屑阿呆呆気糞BAITO God damn stupid part-time job 輝けSHINE SHINE Bye BAITO Bite Shine bright, bye bye job 退職上等! All I want is to quit!

