
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ネジレ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


名前の判明らない誰かと 周りはそう呼ぶかな Someone they don't know the name, I guess that's how they called me 痛みを避けれないのは嫌だな I don't really like the fact that I can't avoid pain 逃げたくなる And I feel like running away 「次だ。」と小さく呟いて息を吸い込んでみた ‘My turn.’ I mutter to myself, and took a breath 震えを堪えて 黄色の先踏み出したら If I control my anxiety and step out of the yellow line 夕焼けの赤に重ねた空 The sky turns red when the sun sets 見て僕は自由になれた? Hey, am I now free? 悲しみを超越た世界で If we ever meet again in the world without pain また会えたなら少し優しくして? Can you be a little bit nicer? 誰かの悲鳴じみた声が聞こえた気がした I felt like I heard someone's scream 逆さの人たちが僕に向け何かを言ってる People hanging upside down are facing me and saying something 夕焼けの赤に重ねた空 The sky turns red when the sun sets 見て僕は自由になった See, I'm now free 苦しみを超越た世界で If we ever meet again in the world without pain また会えたなら笑っていてよ Don't forget to put on a smile やがて目の前は青に被われた After a while, my view is covered by blue

