
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

残月-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「残月」(Waning Moon)

腐れ畳 残月に軋む足音 The rotten straw mat creaks as footsteps approach during the waning crescent 闇夜に晦む笑みは 然も煌々と The smile on the dark night was dark but bright 真昼の空に白く張り付く It sticks to the midday sky brightly 夜明けの晩に 鶴と亀が滑った Before the end of night, the crane and turtle slipped 「泥々の海に片身を浮かせ、僕自身を飲み込み嗤笑いました」 ‘I let half side of your body float in the viscous sea, you swallowed me and you laughed’* 腐れ畳 ひいふうみいよの数え歌 On the rotten straw mat, the counting song that sings one two three four 後ろの正面 孕み胤の兄様が My elder brother who plants the breeding seed is right behind her* 「其れは其れはもう私の中で、螺子れ這い廻り犇めきます」 ‘It has already been crawling around and pushing in like a screw inside me’ 朦朧 錯落 回環 爛れた貞操 Hazy night, distributed irragularly, over and over again, rotten chastity 揺曳 狂悖 溷濁 歪に歪む Sway, insane, impure, twist in distortion 腐れ畳 残月に呻く足音 On the rotten straw mat, footsteps moan during the waning cresent 臥所に晦む笑みは 然も轟々と The smile in the bedroom is subtle yet clear 血眼に仰け反り見開いた She bended backwards and open her eyes wide at the red eyes 翫弄の籠の中 いついつ出やる When will she be free from all the toying 「三十六度の貴男の膿に浮き沈み澱む、ゆらゆららぁと」 ‘She floats and sinks, and settles gently to the bottom of your pus of thirty six degrees’ 朦朧 錯落 回環 爛れた貞操 Hazy, distributed irragularly, over and over again, rotten chastity 揺曳 狂悖 溷濁 歪な歪み Sway, insane, impure, twisted distortion 結んで 開いて 開イタ 其ノ手ヲ結ビ He clasps the open hands that folded and opened ぎちぎちぎち がたがたがた だらだらだら Chocking her, shivering with fear, dripping down 接吻をして And they kiss *Note: 僕自身を飲み込み嗤笑いました: ‘僕自身’ is pronounced as ‘すべて’. The lyric can also mean ‘you swallowed everything and you laughed’ 後ろの正面 孕み胤の兄様が: ‘兄様’ is pronounced as ‘あなた’. The lyric can also mean ‘you who plant the breeding seed is right behind her’ The song is related to ‘十三夜’ and ‘後ノ今宵’. The story is presented on the younger brother's prospective, whilst 十三夜 and 後ノ今宵 is that of the elder brother and the sister respectively. This song happened after 十三夜.

