
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

十三夜-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「十三夜」(Thirteenth Night)

さぁ、丁寧に 罵倒しておくれ* Now… Curse me politely いつもの様に* As usual 嗚咽混じりのその声で* With your voice, mixing with moans 姉が孕んだ My sister is pregnant 種は恐らく父のもので I am afraid that is father’s child 母の消えた日に堕胎した It was aborted on the day mother disappeared 夜明けの晩 Before the end of night 鶴と亀が滑った 後ろの正面だあれ The crane and turtle slipped, who is right behind her 朦朧 錯落 回環 揺曳  狂悖 溷濁 Hazy night, distributed irragularly, over and over again, sway, insane, impure だぁれ… Who is that... 四肢に施す枷と目隠し Chain her up and blindfold her 畳の目数えては If she counts the number of mats 「垂れ流す蜜は是こそ、愚の骨頂」 ‘The dripping nectar is sheer folly’ 玩弄の籠 いつ出やる When will she be free from all the toying 薫る菊は蕾の花を開く The fragrant hardy mum opens the bud 孕み喰らい また孕む She is pregnant again and again 臥した肌を這う指先は溶け爛れた The fingertips that caresses the lying skin melted and eroded ゆらぁ ゆらり ゆぅらら Sway gently and softly 糜爛の百合 が 白を剥き自慰に塗れ The rotten lily peels off white and is covered with masturbration* 腐爛の人 は 赤を剥き捻れて縊死 The rotten man peels off red, twists and is hanged* 屍肉娘を腐りと* He welcomes decay 共に迎えに行き…襖の奥へ…* With the soulless girl... To the back of the sliding door... 何もかも歪に歪んで見えるんだ…* Everything looks distorted... そう…何もかも…* Yes... Everything... 爛れた月 Eroded moon 四肢に施す枷と目隠し Chain her up and blindfold her 天井の染み数え Count the dirt on the celling 「熟れ腐る舌鼓はまるで柘榴の歯触り」 ‘The ripe, rotten smack has a pomegranate liked texture’ 歪な影絵に歪む聲は飲み込まれ The distorting voice is swallowed up by the distorted shadow 浮き沈み澱み揺らめいた Floated, sank, settled, and flickered *Note: *Lyrics are not on the official lyrics booklet The song is related to ‘残月’ and ‘後ノ今宵’. The story is presented on the sister's prospective, whilst 残月 and 後ノ今宵 is that of the younger brother and the sister respectively. According to the card that comes with the CD, the rotten lily (糜爛の百合) refers to the sister whilst the rotten man (腐爛の人) refers to the father. The Thirteenth Night is a festival where Japanese enjoy moon viewing on 13th September on the old lunar calendar. It is said to be the second most beautiful moon following the Moon Festival.

