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ROYAL RAMPAGE-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


潜在能力 剥奪 永劫 Deprive your potential forever and ever 潜在暴力 快楽 へ行こう Turn your hidden violence into happiness 失い続けたアナタには罰をあげましょう Shall I announce your guilt of losing constantly 咎める事できない I can't blame you 思うがままセカイを動かしてみせよう Show 'em how we change the world to the way we want it 我に従いなさい Obey me Rampage to Die Rampage to death チカラを押さえられない Unable to hold back your power 衝動に駆けられた不様な姿で Make a mark on the world 生きた証残せ With your impulsive awful body さぁ今から共に散ろう Now, let's die together 鬼謀の果てに何を得るだろう What can we get from the end of surprising stratagems I can't get to no Satisfaction I can't get to no satisfaction 下らない御託 アイの調べ Ever-changing truth exists 変幻自在の 真実が在る In boring nonsense and the melody of love 欲しがり続けたアナタには罪をあげましょう Shall I announce your guilt of desiring insatiably "最初で最後のchance" 'The first and the last chance' 痛んだ夢隠して運命に抗え Hide your hurting dreams and fight against your destiny 故に従いなさい Therefore, obey me Rampage to Die Rampage to death リセイが壊れていく Losing control of yourself 衝動に駆けられた成れの果てなのか Is that the tragic end of being driven by impulse 素晴らしい景色だ What a spectacular view さぁ今から共に散ろう Now, let's die together 虚構のセカイが満たしてくだろう The fictitious world's gonna satisfy us I can't get to no Satisfaction I can't get to no Satisfaction Rampage to Die Rampage to death チカラを押さえられない Unable to hold back your power 衝動に駆けられた不様な姿で Make a mark on the world 生きた証残せ With your impulsive awful body さぁ今から共に散ろう Now, let's die together 鬼謀の果てに何を得るだろう What can we get from the end of surprising stratagems I can't get to no Satisfaction I can't get to no satisfaction

