
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

UZA-No.39-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


偉そうタメ口警察官 Arrogant police who speak casually 電車に割り込み勢オバハン Old women who squeezes onto the train ブッさいキメ顔バンドマンも Bandmembers who tried to act cool but failed (UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA!) (Stop bugging me!) ベロベロ酔ったサラリーマン Wasted office workers セクハラまがいのクソリーマン Shitty office workers who sexually harrass others ネガティブ祭りなダメウーマンも Female losers who complain all day (UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA!) (Stop bugging me!) ワタシ邪魔するもの全て タワシに変わればいい It'd be great if anyone blocking my way can turn into a scrubbing brush 《怒り狂う心の解放》 'The liberation of a raging heart' まじでウザったい! 君はウザったい! You're so annoying! You're getting on my nerves! 目の前から消えていなくなれ Get lost No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→Stop bugging me! 綺麗にサヨナラを… I want to break up neatly... ほんとウザったい!君はウザったい! You're really annoying! You're getting on my nerves! わろとるんちゃうぞおまえはらたつ Stop laughing, you're burning me up No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→You're bugging me! ウザすぎ反吐がでる…(オェ) Really bugging me that I wanna throw up... (Blech) 私ら別れたの We've already broken up 私ら合わないの It didn't work 私ら縁がないのよ We're not meant to be together (アホ!キモ!チネ!カス!) (You stupid idiot! Go to hell you piece of shit!) もう一回チャンスくれ Give me one more chance もう一回デートして Go on one more date with me もう一回付き合ってよー! Let's get back together! (UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA!) (Stop bugging me!) 何度何度も許しても 騙され続けるなら If you won't stop betraying me no matter how many times I forgave you こちらから願い下げじゃボケ I'll be the one to stop this, you dumbass まじでウザったい! 君はウザったい! You're so annoying! You're getting on my nerves! 目の前から消えていなくなれ Get lost No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→You're bugging me! 最期のサヨナラを… I want to say our last goodbye... ほんとウザったい!君はウザったい! You're really annoying! You're getting on my nerves! 幸せになる為の洗礼 This is the test to happiness No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→Stop bugging me! ウザすぎ反吐がでる… You're really bugging me that I wanna throw up... ANTA UZAI! (指摘) UNTILL YOU DIE! (永遠) YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! (POINT OUT) UNTILL YOU DIE! (FOREVER) HONTO UZAI! (確認) DO SHIYOMO NAI! (諦め) REALLY ANNOYING! (CONFIRM) YOU'RE HOPELESS! (GIVE UP) ワタシ邪魔するもの全て タワシに変わればいい… It'd be great if anyone blocking my way can turn into a scrubbing brush… 《要ラヌ三十九ツノ解放》 'The liberation of no thanks'* まじでウザったい! 君はウザったい! You're so annoying! You're getting on my nerves! 目の前から消えていなくなれ Get lost No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→You're bugging me! 綺麗にサヨナラを… Breaking up neatly... ほんとウザったい!君はウザったい! You're really annoying! You're getting on my nerves! わろとるんちゃうぞおまえはらたつ Stop laughing, you're burning me up No.39→UZA!UZA!UZA!UZA! No thanks→You're bugging me! ウザすぎ反吐がでる…(オェ) Really bugging me that I wanna throw up... (Blech)

