
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

獅噛ミ桜-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Clinging Cherry’(獅噛ミ桜)

「離さない」 「ずっと⼀緒だよ」 Did you not say that あなた・・・⾔ってたじゃない 'I will never let you go', 'we will be together forever and ever' 四⽉、薄紅⾊に染まり⼆度⽬の春が The second spring, turns April into light pink 窓辺から覗く桜 ざわめき始め I can see cherry blossoms through the window, the petals begin to rustle 唐突に告げられた彼からの⾔葉・・・ The words he told me all of a sudden... 「幸せにするから」 'I will give you the moon and the stars' 抱き寄せ、⼝付けたじゃない・・・。 Did you not cuddle with me and kissed me... 此び部屋を出ていくの?あたしと想い出棄てて Are you leaving this room? You abandon me and our memories 凡てを無っかた事にするのね And pretend that nothing happened 唇噛み締めた 涙⽬滲む昼下がり I felt aggrieved, tears roll down my face on an afternoon 花弁、風に舞いひらりふわり 儚く散った Petals, danced in the wind lightly and gently, and fell vainly 別離れを切り出した彼、縋る私・・・ He wants to break up with me, and I try to make him stay... 「ごめん・・・」冷めた顔で 'I am sorry...' You said something overly inconsiderate 無責任すぎる⼀⾔ With a cold look 嘘は要らないの アノ⽇⾒てしまったのだから I do not need your lies, because I saw it that day そうよね・・・アタシ騙されていたんだわ Right... I was being cheated on アノ女ノ元へ・・・乗り換えるのね? Are you... Dumping me for her? 「さよなら」背を向けて 'Goodbye', you turned away 掴む腕は振り払われ Shaked off my hands ドアを開けようとした 貴⽅の後ろ姿と And were going to open the door, your figure 窓から⾏きずりに春⼀片 And the spring outside the window 衝動的に鈍器を拾い上げその背後からあああ゛ァァあ゛ァァ・・・ I picked up a blunt instrument impetuously behind him ahhhh, ahh, ah...

