
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Sweet-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Stars in my eyes, hiking up Griffith 漫天星辰映在我眼裏,在格里斐斯公園遠足 Thinking about who was sad and what didn't 想着誰感到悲傷,以及有甚麼 Get said in the Midwest, wish I could tell you now 沒有在中西部被提及,真想現在就告訴你 I wrote you a note, but I didn't send it 我寫了一張字條,但從沒給你 'Cause that's the best method the women here taught me about 因為那是這裏的女人教我的最好方法 What you don't really understand, I've got magic in my hand 你不太懂的,我都能解答 Stars in my eyes 漫天星辰映在我眼裏 I'm a different kind of woman 我和其他女人不同 If you want some basic bitch, go to the Beverly Center and find her 要是你喜歡爛俗婊,比華利購物中心隨便就找到一個 I'm sweet 我惹人憐愛 Bare feet 赤着腳 If you wanna go where nobody goes 要是你想去個人跡罕見的地方 That's where you'll find me 你會在那裏找到我 In the sweet North country 在愜意的紐約州北境 If I'm not there, come to my house on Genesee 要是我不在,到我傑納西的家找我吧 What you doin' with your life? Do you think about it? 你最近在忙甚麼?你會思考人生嗎? Do you contemplate where we came from? 你有想過到底人類是怎樣來到世上嗎? Lately, we've been makin' out a lot 最近,我們常常在熱吻 Not talkin' 'bout the stuff that's at the very heart of things 甚少談論一些事情的核心 Do you want children? Do you wanna marry me? 你想要孩子嗎?你想和我結婚嗎? Do you wanna run marathons in Long Beach by the sea? 你想在長灘海旁跑馬拉松嗎? I've got things to do, like nothing at all, I wanna do them with you 我有要完成的事,例如虛度時光,我想和你一起完成 Do you wanna do them with me? 你想和我一起完成那些事嗎? If you want someone, then just call me up 要是你想找個人,你可以打給我 And remember where I'll be 記住我會在哪裏 Sweet in barefeet 惹人憐愛、赤着腳 You can find me where no one will be 你會在夜裏愜意的紐約州北境 In the woods somewhere, in the night, in the heart of the valley 森林裏的某處、山谷的中心 In the sweet North country 杳無人煙的地方找到我 If I'm not there, come to my house on Genesee 要是我不在,到我傑納西的家找我吧

