
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

パラレルワールド-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Parallel World’(パラレルワールド)

ダラダラ取りこぼすだけの I gave up because of my powerlessness 怠惰な生活の中 In my lazy life 無駄無駄と諦めてく Where I muddle along and lose all the time きっとこのまま死んでいくのさ I'm sure that I'm gonna die like this 堕ちてく I'm falling down 暗い部屋の中でもね In the dark room 変われるのなら I would change myself 変わりたいと思うよ If I could いつか見たパラレルワールド Though the parallel world I once saw 現実と違うけど Isn't real とても素直な自分がいたんだ I saw me being honest to myself 取り繕うだけの笑顔捨てて Put away your fake smile 始めよう 異世界移住計画 And start your moving plan to another world 無慈悲な夜に敬礼 Salute to the cruel night 朝日を待ちぼうけてる Waiting for the morning sun in vait 枢 学歴社会 Pivot, academic-background-oriented society* きっとこのまま比較万歳 I'm sure that I'm gonna give up easier in this way 黄昏… Sunset… 指加える日々またね I don't have to be jealous anymore* 瞬間移動お気を付けて Be careful during teleportation 飛び立つ And take off 夢に見たパラレルワールド Nothing really changed 結局大して変わらない In the parallel world in my dream 今と同じ顔の自分がいた I looked exactly like my current self 世界を変えても意味が無いと Even though I knew that changing the world is meaningless 気付いたけど諦めきれない I still don't wanna give up あの日見たパラレルワールド Even if the parallel world I saw on that day 幻だとしても Is just a fantasy とても素直な自分がいたんだ I saw me being honest to myself 取り繕うだけの笑顔捨てて Put away your fake smile 再開さ 異世界移住計画 And start your moving plan to another world again *Note: 枢: The word is pronounced as 'からくり (操り)', therefore, it also means 'tricks' or 'mechanism'. 指加える: The correct kanji for this phrase should be '指咥える'.

