
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Velli Sistem-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Velli Sistem’

Sensation超えた (ゆらり走る走るMaliceを) (Let the raging malice) exceeded your sensation 爆発性メロリストで燃やし尽す got you way The explosive melodies will devour you up Escapeなら今 (ゆらり廻る廻るMaliceが) (If the churning malice) wanna escape then it's now 甘い蜜だけ吸って生きている様が Living off only by taking advantages of someone 許せなくて Is unforgivable やるせないこの気持ち And makes me feel uneasy 辛さと決別が 俺を変えた Bidding farewell with hardship changed me 守るべきものの為に立ち向かう I face head-on for things I must protect 怖いと 思う事だらけのお前に要は無い I don't need you 'cause your mind is filled with fear 今を生き抜く術を知らぬ者達よ People who don't make how to live in the moment コレが俺らのDeclaration of war This is our declaration of war 似た様な五線譜は聞き飽きた I'm tired of hearing similar staves 言葉遣いだけは達者な 茶番芸者が Clown that can only doublespeak 許せなくて Are unforgivable 情けない世はSISTEM The miserable world is a system その志じゃ 冷めてしまうよ It'll turn you off if you're only being ambitious 誰よりも何よりも伝えたい言葉が It's unbelievable that 尽きないのは不思議なものだけど I have so much more to tell than anyone else 上手く気持ちを伝える仕方を知らないから But because I don't know how should I express myself 俺は叫ぶ So I scream まだ見ぬ明日へWe slayed We slayed towards the unknown future まだまだこれから On fleek The best is yet to come バラバラに散るは君の身体でさ Your body fell into pieces まだ見ぬ明日はWe slayed Whilst we slayed towards the unknown future 今だけじゃない On fleek We aren't only perfect at the moment 掻き鳴らせ衝動 Free your impulse SISTEM over Down System built over down 魅せられて It took me sometime to realise 光輝く物程近くにあるんだ something that is charmed and shines 気が付くまで時間かかるけれど Is not far away from me 上手く気持ちを伝える仕方を知らないから But because I don't know how should I express myself 俺は叫ぶ So I scream コレが俺らのDeclaration of war This is our declaration of war

