
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

監獄☆BEAT-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


開かれた牢の獄 The prison gate is open 戸惑い隠せないシマシマの囚人 Prisoners in stripes can't hide their confusion なんだか上機嫌 They look kinda happy 特別に今だ飛び出せ Especially now, escape 想像はイマジネーション Imagination is imaginationem 欲求のテンプテーション Temptation of desire 何をするかは己次第! What you do is up to you! 恋愛はサーキュレーション Love is circulation 心臓はバイブレーション My heart's having palpitations アゲまくりの宴でshow! Show off in the hyped feast! 監獄☆BEAT 朝が来るまで Jail☆BEAT, this will be the prison paradise ここは獄樂の浄土 Until the morning comes 監獄☆BEAT 監視カメラに Jail☆BEAT, do a cool gyaru peace and finger heart キめるギャルピ指ハァト At the security camera 監獄☆BEAT 敵も味方も Jail☆BEAT, both our friends and enemies 5Lピザでシェアハピネス Share happiness with the 5L pizza 監獄☆BEAT 響き渡れば If the jail☆BEAT echoes ディスコクラブ踊牢屋 Let's dance like we're in the nightclub in the prison 早寝も早起きも No matter early to bed or early to rise 全部覚えたラジオの体操も Or all the radio calisthenics you memorised 今日だけはぶっ壊せ Break the rules today 日常を今非日常に Turn ordinary into extraordinary 存在がシンコペーション Existence is syncopation 情報はインフォメーション Information is informationem 頭の中全部カラにして! Empty my head! 転売のプレェステーション Flipping the Playstation 完売でフラストレーション Frustration after it's sold out おいでよDDDJ party time! Come, DDDJ party time! 監獄☆BEAT 朝が来るまで Jail☆BEAT, this will be the prison paradise ここは獄樂の浄土 Until the morning comes 監獄☆BEAT 監視カメラに Jail☆BEAT, do a cool gyaru peace and finger heart キめるギャルピ指ハァト At the security camera 監獄☆BEAT 敵も味方も Jail☆BEAT, both our friends and enemies 5Lピザでシェアハピネス Share happiness with the 5L pizza 監獄☆BEAT 響き渡れば If the jail☆BEAT echoes ディスコクラブ踊牢屋 Let's dance like we're in the nightclub in the prison BUWAWAWA…YEAH… BUWAWAWA…YEAH… Ladies and gentleman.Are you ready? Ladies and gentleman, are you ready? チャカ鳴るBANG!110番 Fire the handgun, BANG! 110 牢屋の中ではお利口さん? Good boy in the prison? 今夜はハジけるBIGBANG NIGHT! Tonight we kick out the jams, it's a BIG BANG NIGHT! 感情的WEEKEND LOVE! Emotional WEEKEND LOVE! Check it out!山アリ谷アリ Check it out! There are ups and downs いつでも夢見て良いでしょ? Isn't it great to dream all the time? 残響反響鳴らして最強! The most powerful resound and echo! 追う×追われる= 真夜中ハイテンション To chase × to be chased = get excited at midnight 監獄☆BEAT 朝が来るまで Jail☆BEAT, this will be the prison paradise ここは獄樂の浄土 Until the morning comes 監獄☆BEAT 監視カメラに Jail☆BEAT, do a cool gyaru peace and finger heart キめるギャルピ指ハァト At the security camera 監獄☆BEAT 敵も味方も Jail☆BEAT, both our friends and enemies 5Lピザでシェアハピネス Share happiness with the 5L pizza 監獄☆BEAT 響き渡れば If the jail☆BEAT echoes ディスコクラブ踊牢屋 Let's dance like we're in the nightclub in the prison

