
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ディスパラディソ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


愛の詩を唄ってみたって Even if I try to sing the song of love I know 無駄な試行だって思うよ I know this is a meaningless attempt 誰も救えず That can save no one 哀の詩を唄って浸りたいの I wanna sing the song of sadness and immerse myself in it それはもう逆行≒逆光眩しいよ That's literally retrogressive ≒ the backlight is too bright 心を閉ざす It shuts my heart off from the world そんなもん全て覆せ Subvert it そう僕らはいざ飛び立つ Yup, we're now holding your dreams tight 君の夢も抱きしめたまま Ah 今 And setting off, ah 眼下に散らばる惨状に We're shocked by the pervasive devastation under our eyes 呆れて堪らず唾吐いた And couldn't help gobbing 蔓延る嫉妬を貪る豚 Pigs covet the spreading jealousy 劣化を重ねた低知能 Stupidity keeps on deteriorating 肥大する見た目とは裏腹に End up crouching on the ground 小っぽけな脳をぶら下げて With their drooping tiny heads 地面を這いつくばる始末 That look the opposite of their gigantic appearance さっさと此処からずらかろう Now run away from here ねえ僕らはいざ飛び立つ See, we're setting off 君の夢を抱きしめながら Ah Whilst holding your dreams tight, ah この空を駆けて We're now flying high up in the sky 君を誘う誓った世界へ今 Inviting you to the promised land

