
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

REDRUM-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


「殺し」「痛み」「恨み」「病んだ」だけ There are only 'killing', 'misery', 'hatred', 'depressed' ウンザリだ I've had enough 着飾った歌詞 Refined lyrics 自分を守る為 Even misunderstood self-assertion 自己主張さえ履き違えて So to protect themselves 唄えるのに唄わず They can sing but they don't 猿真似してバカみたいだ Imitate like a fool -正義-が腐ってる -Justice- is rotting 僕等が愛した唄はもっと正直者で The songs we loved are much more genuine 心に 響いた And heart-touching なんだかんだ 声殺して Though lowering your voice without a reason 闇の深いのも効くけど And making it mysterious may work やっぱり But still 嘔吐 That makes me puke 群れを成して They swarm "何か"を求めて And seek for "something" 先導が無いと血を流す They'll risk their life if they don't have guidance 救いたいのに救えない I want to, but I can't save them 断末魔さえ諦めて They even gave up struggling before their death 偉いコ良いコ 気取ってる And pretend to be good as gold 「あ一しなさい」 'Do this' 「こうしなさい」 'Do that' オマエハナニ オマエハダレ What are you, who are you もうたくさんだもうたくさんだ I'm sick of it, I'm sick of it 飼い慣らされた世界を Turn the tamed world 反り転ばせていけ Upside down 僕等が相した手は汚れていて Our opponent is the filthy, 繋げやしない世界さ Unreachable world 君の声と僕の声は I won't let your voice 上っ面にはさせない And my voice become superficial もう消えない They'll no longer disappear 「Tell the REDRUM from the worlds.... 'Tell the REDRUM by the world... It's over……Killing you… It's over… Killing you… REDRUM..m…I.... REDRUM...m…I... a wolf in sheep's clothing....」 A wolf in sheep's clothing...' *Note: 相した手: '相した' is pronounced as 'あいした', therefore, the word is suspected to be came from '相手' (あいて), which mean 'opponent, partner, the other side, the other person'.

