
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ニルアドミラリ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Nihil Admirari’(ニルアドミラリ)

何を見て何を感じれば正常か Is it normal to be able to feel something when you see something 何が違うのか理解らない I don't know what's wrong おかしいのは僕 I'm the weird one 悲しみも苦しみも忘れて I forget about sadness and suffering 一掃グッバイ負の感情 Wipe out all the negative feelings, goodbye 断ち切れど絡みつき放さない But they still bother me even after I cut them off なぜ僕がなぜ君が溢れて Questions like why do I and why do you come up 一切合切消えたいよ I hope everything can disappear 断ち切れず現実を受け入れる I accept the reality 'cause they can't be cut off ねえ僕は穢れを知らずに I tried 生きようとしてみたけど To live innocently 叶わず噛みこまれた But I failed and am torn into pieces * 何を見て何を感じたなら異常か Is it abnormal to feel something when you see something 何が違うのか理解ってる I know what's wrong おかしいのさ僕 I'm weird 哀れみは憎しみを逆撫で Pity rubs hatred up the wrong way 一生ものさ愚の感情 Foolish emotion is for a lifetime 断ち切れど引き摺って拭えない I tried to cut it off but I can't let go and keep feeling that way なぜ僕が僕だけが Why do I, why do I only まとめて一切合切消えたいの Want everything to disappear at once 断ち切った利き手ではない右手 My non-dominant right hand is cut off ねえ僕は穢れた姿で I tried 生きようとしてみたけど To live in my filthy body 叶わず泣いている But I failed and that makes me cry もう二度と目覚めないように I wish and pray 息を止め願うのは That I'll never wake up again この世に何も見出せないから 'Cause I can't find anything in the world *Notes: ニルアドミラリ: Nihil Admirari (or "Nil admirari"), is a Latin phrase. It means 'to be surprised by nothing' or in the imperative, "Let nothing astonish you". 噛みこまれた: The word is pronounced as 'のみこまれた'. It means 'being swallowed up' and the kanji can be written as '飲み込まれた'.

