
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

TRINITY∴ONENESS-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Wishing you all the best,well it's up to you Wishing you all the best, well, it's up to you What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? 導く眼差しが宿す性悪 There's hostility in the guiding gaze 夥しく溢れ彷徨う夢 Countless dreams overflow and wander 神殺しに魅せられた愛 Love is fascinated by deicide 歯痒さに飲み込まれた阿修羅 Asura is swallowed by irritation 光芒が刺す Light blazes 囚われた無念を抱いて自由を駆け抜け Experiencing freedom with imprisoned regrets 壊れそうな俺の業が狼煙を挙げた My breaking karma lit up a signal fire とめどなく流れ出した思い出達が The memories flowing endlessly 今までとこれからを彩るだろう Will surely adorn the past and the future そしてこの手が今君を掴んで And now my hands are holding you 祈りは空へと高く舞って As prayers soar high into the sky いつか一つになるのさ We shall become one someday 善も悪も全てマテリアル Good and evil are all materials 飼い慣らされたこれが現実 Being tamed is the reality* 剰え上辺が蔓延るのは Besides, spreading on the surface 幽玄の様 Looks mysterious 掲げられた理想郷が俺を蝕んでく Being gnawed away by the utopia I upheld 壊れそうな声を抱いて願いを放て I send out wishes with my breaking voices 時を超え届いてくる言葉達が I keep singing and expressing my thoughts 今までとこれからを支えてくれるように So the words that transcend time can support the past and the future 歌い続け伝え続け いつか本当の君に届く I wonder そんな日が来るのかな Will the day when they reach you come とめどなく流れ出した思い出達が My hands now holds you 今までとこれからを彩っていくように So the memories flowing endlessly この手が今 君を掴んで Will adorn the past and the future いつか本当の意味で The time when you and I truly become one 君と一つになる時が来る Shall come someday *Note: 現実: Pronounced as 'リアル (real)'.

