
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Starry light music-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Starry light music’

どうしても伝えたい事 単純で大切な事 Something I wanna tell you, something simple and important 言葉だと少し硬くて 喉元で引っかかるよ They might sound a bit harsh, that's why they got stuck in my throat 出会いあれば別れもある We meet and we part 悲しい世界 エンドロール The sad world is coming to an end 確かに消えない光は 今しかないから The everlasting light only shines at this moment 好きも嫌いも涙流しぐちゃぐちゃになる事も Aren't loving, hating, or having tears all over your face この地球(ほし)ではね、目立ちすぎなだけだよ? Just too eye-catching on Earth (this planet)? 落っこちた星なんて誰も気付かない No one will noticed the fallen stars Starry light music. Feeling love for you. Starry light music. Feeling love for you. 臆病な言い逃れはもうしない 君を愛してる I won't make any cowardly excuses anymore, I love you Thank you for finding. Thank you for finding me. Only you can make me happy smile. Only you can make me smile. 大事な物を見つけたよ I've found the important things in my life 声出せばシャボンのように 消えてしまう事を恐れた I feared that it'll disappear like bubbles if I say it out だから今飛び散るような大きな声で叫ぶんだ So I'm gonna scream so loud that it'll shatter いつの日か僕が消えたり 君が居ない日が来た時も Even if I'll disappear and you won't be here someday お互い感謝の言葉が言えたらいいよね It'll be great if we're able to tell how much we appreciate each other 僕に流れる血や汗より価値のあるこの場所は I wanna keep this place that's even more valuable than my blood and sweat 永遠(とわ)より長く守り続けたいのさ Forver and ever 失って悔しんで終わりたくはない I don't want this to end in regret Starry light music. Feeling love for you. Starry light music. Feeling love for you. 当たり前の事を当たり前に ただ伝えさせて Let me express something I take for granted in the most obvious way Thank you for finding. Thank you for finding me. Only you can make me happy smile. Only you can make me smile. 何度だって言うよ ありがとう I'll tell you over and over again, thanks a lot 夜空瞬く星は遥か昔 消えた残り火 The shimmering stars at night are dead embers from long ago だけど僕には今光るように見えた But they look like they're shining to me そうやってこの愛も届けたいから I wanna be like that and spread this love Starry light music. Feeling love for you. Starry light music. Feeling love for you. 臆病な言い逃れはもうしない 君を愛してる I won't make any cowardly excuses anymore, I love you Thank you for finding. Thank you for finding me. Only you can make me happy smile. Only you can make me smile. 大事な物を見つけたよ I've found the important things in my life

