
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Dahlia-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


願い叶える為の言葉を I'm gonna write down the words that realise my dream 僕は飾らずに書き残すよ The way as they are キレイゴトと馬鹿にされても Even if people think this is unrealistic 君に伝えたい I still wanna tell you 何をやってみても上手くいかないもんだな Whatever I do, it doesn't go well あの人の方が… They... 自分じゃない方が… Other people... 優れて見えてしまう Seem to be better than me 何の為だ、誰の為? What is this, who is this for? ずっと歩き続けた先に何がある Something will be ahead on the road we've been walking 答えは無いけど It doesn't have an answer 進んでく中で But you'll encounter amazing things 素敵な出会いがある On your way 全て信じなくて良い You don't have to believe in everything ただ少しだけ自分を愛してね Just love yourself a little bit more 誰にも言えない苦しみを抱えてる I can't tell anyone how miserable I am 夜も眠れなくて That I can't even fall asleep at night こんな自分が嫌いだ I hate being like this だから他人に意思を伝えるのが怖い That's why I'm afraid of telling my thoughts 誰もがそうだろう Everyone 自分と戦う Is fighting with themselves 素敵な世界だね What a beautiful world this is 好きな事嫌な事 No matter things you like or hate 曲がり道でもいいから Or crooked roads in life 受け入れて Accept them 果てしなく続く道も終わりがある Even the endless road has an end 永遠なんて無いだろう There's no forever 限られた時間を共に過ごしている君に I wanna thank you ありがとう For spending the limited time with me 君が笑顔や涙の You taught me the value 価値を僕に教えてくれた Of smiles and tears 愛されたら愛して We fall in love the way we love after we're being loved 愛したら愛される様に思い合う And we're being loved after we love 何度でも言うよ I'll say it full of my love この言葉を込めて Over and over again ありがとう Thank you

