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HEMLOCK-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


「なんだってそうじゃん。」て言って If you say 'nothing will change no matter what you do.' 決めつけなら その答え教えてくれよ And make a judgment, just tell me your thought 百戦錬磨のストーリー... 相槌 A battle-hardened story... Echo 物分かり悪いから忘れたよ I forgot 'cause I'm dull-witted In fact, it's a peace of cake. In fact, it's a piece of cake. But sticks closely. OK? But stick close to it. OK? back born 裏切って back born, betray 一戦交えりゃいいじゃない Why not try once どうもこうもないプライドでrideout Ride out with your meaningless pride 黙れ keep quiet!! Shut up, keep quiet!! Dismiss worldly thoughts once again. Dismiss worldly thoughts once again. 行き着いたその先が全てなら If the place ahead is your everything 見に行くよ そこで決めればいい Then go ahead, as long as you've made up your mind NOT LAST RAD MUSIC!! NOT OUR LAST RAD MUSIC!! SMASH UP BAD ENDING!! SMASH UP BAD ENDING!! WE CAN STILL KEEP IT UP!! WE CAN STILL KEEP IT UP!! きっと運命と呼べるものなんて It must be something called destiny 誰も知らないこの世界で We had been looking for a place to belong ずっと僕らは居場所を探してた In the world nobody knows 永遠を求める姿が 無垢か無知か問われてもいい I don't care if you say going after eternity is naive or ignorant まだ終わらせはしないから We won't let it end yet 生きる意味に迷う時があるとしてそれは同じで We sometimes feel lost too ニヒルな顔したアイツもそう その類いで And yup, so does the guy looking cool フェードアウトして諦めた方が楽かもって思うこともあるけど We've thought that fading and giving up may be much easier 失う怖さに慣れるくらい強くはなれなくて But we aren't strong enough to get used to losing something 運命と呼べるものなんて It's something called destiny 誰も知らないこの世界で We had been looking for a place to belong ずっと僕らは居場所を探してた In the world nobody knows 永遠を求める姿が 無垢か無知か問われてもいい I don't care if you say going after eternity is naive or ignorant まだ言葉に出せないまま I still can't say that out 行き着いたその先が全てなら If the place ahead is your everything 見に行くよ そこで決めればいい Then go ahead, as long as you've made up your mind NOT LAST RAD MUSIC!! NOT OUR LAST RAD MUSIC!! SMASH UP BAD ENDING!! SMASH UP BAD ENDING!! WE CAN STILL KEEP IT UP!! WE CAN STILL KEEP IT UP!! きっと運命と呼べるものなんて It must be something called destiny 誰も知らないこの世界で We had been looking for a place to belong ずっと僕らは居場所を探してた In the world nobody knows 永遠を求める姿が 無垢か無知か問われてもいい I don't care if you say going after eternity is naive or ignorant まだ終わらせはしない 僕らは誓った We swore we won't let it end yet *Note: HEMLOCK: Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a highly toxic plant that's a member of the carrot family. It's commonly mistaken for wild carrot, wild parsnip or wild parsley. This can lead to accidental ingestion. Every part of the hemlock plant is poisonous, including the seeds, root, stem, leaves and fruit.

