
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

naked-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


泣いていたのは I was crying 誰でもいい愛されたくてで 'Cause I want someone to love me 笑ったのは I laughed 自分が惨めだったから 'Cause I was miserable Back on the head. In the back of my head. 降りだした同情の雨 The rain of sympathy fell No reason the d'etre. No raison d'être. そりゃ誰だって一緒でしょ So does everyone else 啓発快楽追及辞さない自己中極まりない自分自身へと告ぐ I tell the self-centered me who won't give up going after enlightenment and happiness もう惨めになりたくないの I don't wanna be miserable Back on the head. In the back of my head. ほら聞こえた笑い声 Listen, I heard laughter No reason the d'etre. No raison d'être. そりゃ僕だって一緒だよ So do I 愛されたくて I wanted to be loved だけど辛くて But I was in agony 息止まるくらい暗い部屋で So I disappeared またほら消えた In the breathtakingly dark room again l110,006,661,111,111,554,444,111,111,100,000p l110,006,661,111,111,554,444,111,111,100,000p Reach down the world. Reach down the world. Too late to you perceive. It's too late for you to perceive. 手遅れだって諦めて It's too late, give up Consoled myself. I consoled myself. 逃げてどうせ一人ぼっちだって耳をふさいだ Run, I'm all alone anyway, so I covered my ears Just the way who I am. I'm just the way i am. 痛みさえも消えて なぞる傷痕 誰か気付いて僕はここで今泣いてるよ Even pain disappeared, I caress my wounds, can someone notice me, I'm crying here 涙を堪えたお利口さん 褒めても褒めても物足りないって No matter how many times the good boy holding back his tears is praised, he won't be satisfied もう惨めになりたくないの 'Cuase he doesn't wanna be miserable anymore ちょっといやきっともっと 満たされたいから我慢ならんのだ He wanna be a bit more, nah, much more satisfied, so he can't wait any longer もう、そう。ほら妄想バラ撒くhindrance Right. See, hindrance is spreading pipe dreams Please admit me. Please accept me. I must not forget me who I am here. I mustn't forget who I am now. You should notice my feelings to you, and think much of that. Notice and treasure my feelings to you. もう疲れたんだよ一人で泣くのは 涙も枯れた I'm tired of crying alone, I can't cry anymore でもね待ってて そこへきっとまた辿り着くから But wait, 'cause we gotta go through struggles to success だから側にいて Please stay by my side Loop. Loop. Reach down the world. Reach down the world. Too late to you perceive. It's too late for you to perceive. 手遅れだって諦めて It's too late, give up Consoled myself. I consoled myself. 逃げてどうせ愛されないって泣いていたんだ Run, I won't be loved anyway, so I cried Just the way who I am. I'm just the way i am. 痛みさえも消えた Even pain disappeared 忘れられた思いを抱いて夜に堕ちていくよ I'm falling down in the night with the forgotten memories 一人ぼっちが怖いから 今日も詩を唄う Being all alone is scary, so I'm also singing today

