
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Ophelia-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


いつからだろうか I wonder 孤独と戦う事に慣れたのは Since when have I got used to fighting against lonliness この瞬間生きてる今日は Today where I'm living in the moment 誰かが生きたかった明日だから Is the tommorrow someone wanted to live 逃げれない That's why I can't run away 鏡に映るオブジェを I was just detesting 恨んでは嘆いていたままで The object reflected on the mirror and sighing とめどなく続く坂道で On the endless hills それでも歌いたいから But still I wanna sing Opheliaそばで笑ってて欲しい Ophelia, I want you to smile by my side 降り注ぐ闇を切り裂いて I should be able to rip the falling darkness up Ophelia call my name Ophelia call my name 何度でも立ち上がれるはずさ And stand up again and again 目を逸らした叶わないと The suppression that assumes it won't come true 決めつける抑制 Looked away この瞬間生きてる今日は Today where I'm living in the moment 誰かが生きたかった明日だから Is the tommorrow someone wanted to live 壊せない That's why it's unbreakable 同じ過ち繰り返し There are times where we repeat the same mistakes 痛みを忘れる時だってある And forget our pain とめどなく続く階段を I wanna climb up 一歩づつ進みたいから The endless staircase step by step Opheliaそばで聴いてて欲しい Ophelia, I want you to listen by my side 降り注ぐ雨に濡れないように I should be able to get up again and again Ophelia call my name Ophelia call my name 何度でも這い上がれるはずさ So as not to be drenched by the falling rain 木陰に咲いた花にも The sun will shine 陽を浴びる時は来るから On flowers blooming under the trees いつかはと根を張り So even if I'm covered in mud 待ち望むよ汚れてても I'll spread my roots and wait for the day to come Opheliaそばで笑ってて欲しい Ophelia, I want you to smile by my side 降り注ぐ闇を切り裂いて I should be able to rip the falling darkness up Ophelia call my name Ophelia call my name 何度でも立ち上がれるはずさ And stand up again and again Opheliaそばで聴いてて欲しい Ophelia, I want you to listen by my side 降り注ぐ雨に濡れないように I'll be able to get up again and again Ophelia call my name Ophelia call my name 何度でも這い上がれるから So as not to be drenched by the falling rain Ophelia call my name Ophelia call my name

