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The DOPERA-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


"ガラパゴス"が言う As what "Galapagos" says 独自進化の形は Evolving independently means メール問い合わせが恋の駆け引き Inquiry emails are love games 流行りのゲーム&アニメの糸が On the street where 張り巡らされてる街 The threads of popular games and animations are spreaded きっと欲しがりは消えない Greediness will never disappear 君が管を通して伝う Grasses grow* 言の葉に草が生えた。 Because of the words you tell through pipes. なんて怪奇現象 What a strange phenomenon この星で活き抜く術なのだろう Is this the way of survival on this planet Let me go. Let me go. いつだって今を求め過ぎては No matter when, experience too much from the moment 大事な物に気付けないで自分傷付けている Will make you hurt yourself whilst not realising what's important to you いつか終わりを告げる時代の芽が泣かないように Hold out your hand and shine 手を差し伸べ照らす So the sprout of the era that announces the end someday won't cry "昔は良かった"なんて The good old days' ノスタルジーBig wave Nostalgic big wave お前の経験値は聞いてない I ain't listening to your experience お決まりの殺し文句で Repeat lecturing 説と教えを往復 With usual sweet talk 数年後に僕らも Perhaps after a few years, we'll be あぁ Ah 7行前のセリフを言うのかもな Saying words in the 7th line Let me go. Let me go. 鳥籠の中飛び立てないまま Unable to fly away from the cage 時代のせいにされている I blame this on the era 狭くて生き苦しいだけ It's cramped and hard to live 全て手に入れたがりな俗物が宙で舞ってる Worldly people who want everything are dancing in the air さぁ反抗の声明を Now, declare your resistance 今まで幾度と愛し I've been in loved many times 背負った傷が疼く 背負的傷發痛 それでもまだ人を信じていたい But still I wanna trust people DOPERA DOPERA Let me go. Let me go. いつだって今を求め過ぎては No matter when, experience too much from the moment 大事な物に気付けないで自分傷付けている Will make you hurt yourself whilst not realising what's important to you いつか終わりを告げる時代の芽が泣かないように Speak up and go 声を紡ぎ歩こう So the sprout of the era that announces the end someday won't cry

