
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

DRESS HOMUNCULUS-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


But he has nothing on at all But he has nothing on at all この国の王は雑誌流行りの The emperor of this country gives a stylish vibe オシャレ気質 「私に逆らう者など誰もいない」 You see on magazines, 'no one opposes me' 『王様どうぞコレが新作の衣装 'Your majesty, these are the latest designs バカ者の目には見えない仕様になってます』 They are made invisible to fools' 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 見てくれよ見て呉れを Look at me, look at me 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 本当の事 Truth 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 見てくれよ見て呉れを Look at me, look at me 満たされないまま Has never been satisfied 衣装を着ただけの He was only becoming 造られた人になって A clothed homunculus 声を上げる民衆も嘘をついて Even people raising their voice are lying "愚かだね"可哀想に" 'What a fool', 'poor thing' 金を出して得たモノ Things you bought with money 着たい来たる期待 The expected expectation of wearing them 何をしたい?慕い What you wanna do? Adoration 慕われるのか So you wanna be adored 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 見てくれよ見て呉れを Look at me, look at me 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 本当の事 Truth 見て呉れを見てくれもっと Look at me, look at me a bit more 見てくれよ見て呉れを Look at me, look at me 満たされないまま Has never been satisfied 裸の衣装大事なトコロは隠してる People residing their voices already knew 声を上げる民衆は知っていた He's covering his privates with his naked clothing 大事さはそのココロ The most important thing is the heart 金だけは出せるのに What you have is only money 着たい来たる期待 The expected expectation of wearing them 誰にしたい?慕い Who do you wanna be? Adoration 慕われるのか So you wanna be adored 衣装を着ただけの He was only becoming 造られた人になって A clothed homunculus 声を上げる民衆も嘘をついて Even people raising their voice are lying "愚かだね"可哀想に" 'What a fool', 'poor thing' 金を出して得たモノ Things you bought with money 本当は気付いてた Actually you've already noticed that 何をしたい?慕い What you wanna do? Adoration 慕われるのか So you wanna be adored

