
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

キレイゴト-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Fancy Talk’(キレイゴト)

繰り返す平凡な日々に詩人気取りが The poet wannabe writes down his thoughts for someone 誰か宛てに思いを書き綴って In the repeating ordinary days 結局自分ひとりが満たされたいだけ At the end, he just wanna satisfy himself 不幸という傷に塗った誰かの不幸 Put on someone's misfortune on the wound called misfortune 当たり前かのように「これでよし。」と And say 'all done,' as if it's obvious よく見てみれば傷は塞がるどころかまた増えていた If you look closely, the wounds not only aren't healing, they're increasing 自分本位 他人の気持ちは完全に無視 興味はなく Self-centred, ignoring others' feelings, uninterested そのくせ自己主張を押し付けて Push their ideas on others 気に食わない者は「切り刻んでやる。」だって 'I'm gonna tear people I dislike limb from limb,' they said 変だろ 誰もが幸せだなんて Isn't it weird, that everyone is happy それと同じくらい誰かが不幸でいいなんておかしい そうだろ It's strange that it's fine someone is as unfortunate as that, isn't it 裏切りだとか憎しみだとかそんなことばかりで It's nothing but betrayal and hatred 睨み啀み合って貶し傷付け優劣を決める Be hostile to each other, disparage and hurt 何が正しくて何が間違いって言い出せばきりがない What's right and what's wrong, it'll be never-ending if I say it out 願わくば誰も無駄な涙を流さなくていい世界がいい I wish meaningless tears don't have to roll down anyone's face in this world 繰り返す平凡な日々に詩人気取りが The poet wannabe writes down his thoughts for someone 誰か宛てに思いを書き綴って In the repeating ordinary days 結局自分ひとりが満たされたいだけだろう今尚 Perhaps at the end, he just wanna satisfy himself even now 人目は気にしてないと言って I don't care what others think 誰かに宛てたその言葉は The words I told someone 無責任な一人歩きをはじめて Begins to walk alone irresponsibly また不幸を呼ぶかもね Perhaps it'll bring misfortune again 裏切りだとか憎しみだとかそんなことばかりで It's nothing but betrayal and hatred 睨み啀み合って貶し傷付け優劣を決める Be hostile to each other, disparage and hurt 何が正しくて何が間違いって言い出せばきりがない What's right and what's wrong, it'll be never-ending if I say it out 願わくば誰も無駄な涙を流さなくていい世界がいい I wish meaningless tears don't have to roll down anyone's face in this world

