
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Take Me Home, Country Roads-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《鄉間公路帶我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Roads)

Almost heaven, West Virginia 西維珍尼亞州,人間仙境 Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River 藍嶺山脈,雪蘭多河 Life is old there, older than the trees 那裏歷史悠久,比森林還要古老 Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze 比山脈還要年輕,像微風般成長 Country roads, take me home 鄉間公路,帶我回家 To the place I belong 回到我的容身之所 West Virginia, mountain mama 西維珍尼亞州,山脈之州 Take me home, country roads 帶我回家,鄉間公路 All my memories gather 'round her 我的回憶都圍繞着她 Miner's lady, stranger to blue water 礦工的情人,從未見過蔚藍海洋 Dark and dusty, painted on the sky 烏黑陰暗、佈滿灰塵,是這裏的天空 Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye 迷濛的月光,使我淚水盈眶 Country roads, take me home 鄉間公路,帶我回家 To the place I belong 回到我的容身之所 West Virginia, mountain mama 西維珍尼亞州,山脈之州 Take me home, country roads 帶我回家,鄉間公路 I hear her voice in the mornin' hour, she calls me 我聽到她的聲音,她在清晨時分呼喚我 Radio reminds me of my home far away 電台廣播提醒着我家鄉是離我那麼遠 Drivin' down the road, I get a feelin' that 在公路駕着車時,我感覺 Should've been home yesterday, yesterday 我早就該回家 Country roads, take me home 鄉間公路,帶我回家 To the place I belong 回到我的容身之所 West Virginia, mountain mama 西維珍尼亞州,山脈之州 Take me home, country roads 帶我回家,鄉間公路 Take me home, down country roads 帶我回家,沿着鄉間公路 Take me home, down country roads 帶我回家,沿着鄉間公路

