
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

FUNNY∞CIRCUS-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Hands up!!&Clapping!! Hands up!!&Clapping!! 陽気ウォーキングお通りだ道化道化 Here come the cheerful clowns JOKER アクロバティック Acrobatic JOKER スリル満点空中ぶらんぶらんぶらーん Swinging in the air thrillingly カーテン引き千切って遊ぶ猛獣inリングLED The beast pulls back the curtain and plays in the LED ring light 綱渡り火輪くぐりナイフ投げ Tightrope walking, flaming hoop jumping, knife throwing 君専用プログラム A programme exclusively for you (Looking!) (Looking!) ではご紹介!FAMILY Now lemme introduce you! The FAMILY (Singing!) (Singing!) ほらご唱和!MELODY"LaLaLaLa" Let's harmonize ! MELODY "LaLaLaLa" (Feeling!) (Feeling!) 踊ろうよMUSICに溺れ… Let's indulge in the MUSIC and dance... 虚ら虚ら引き込まれて Getting drawn in unconsciously 3.2.1…用意アクション 3, 2, 1... Ready, action 感情特大エモーション Surging feelings 主役is君 Give me night show! You're the star, give me a night show! 忘れさせるよ 可笑しな夜で This funny night is gonna take your mind off everything 戯けて魅せる悲しきピエロ The teardrop of the humorous, enchanting but sad pierrot is just "a joke" その涙も逆立てば"ホラ" When he's upside down 誰かが風船と笑う See, Someone says it's a balloon in laughter "Circus is comin' to town." "Circus is comin' to town." Hey! Hey! Everybody. Hey! Hey! Everybody. One! Two! Tumbling. One! Two! Tumbling. Ring! Ring! Mystery. Ring! Ring! Mystery. みんな地球(タマ)乗り Everyone is standing on the earth (a ball) テントを畳め ライトを落とせ Take down the tent, turn off the light カーテンコールは要らない We don't need no curtain call Welcome to "FUNNY∞CIRCUS" Welcome to "FUNNY∞CIRCUS" (Looking!) (Looking!) ではご紹介!FAMILY Now lemme introduce you! The FAMILY (Singing!) (Singing!) ほらご唱和!MELODY"LaLaLaLa" Let's harmonize! MELODY "LaLaLaLa" (Feeling!) (Feeling!) 踊ろうよMUSICに溺れ… Let's indulge in the MUSIC and dance... 主役is君 Give me night show! You're the star, give me a night show! マスクの下は 誰も知らない Under the mask is a lying clown smiling suspiciously 怪しく笑う嘘つきピエロ Who nobody knows 鏡は嫌い 本当の姿、心を He hates mirror, it doesn't show 映してくれない His true self 虚ら虚ら引き込まれて Getting drawn in unconsciously 3.2.1…用意アクション 3, 2, 1... Ready, action 感情特大エモーション Surging feelings 主役is君 Give me night show! You're the star, give me a night show! 忘れさせるよ 可笑しな夜で This funny night is gonna take your mind off everything 戯けて魅せる悲しきピエロ See, the teardrop of the humorous, enchanting but sad pierrot is just "a joke" その涙も逆立てば"ホラ" When he's upside down 誰かが風船と笑う Someone will say it's a balloon in laughter "Circus is comin' to town." "Circus is comin' to town."

