
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

POSE-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


蠢く銭の群衆価値を忘れ Restless money-grubbers forget their values 捻じ曲げた資本主義が胡座かいています。 Twisted capitalism is getting a free ride. べったりとじめつく顔ぶれ狂って The gloomy pack of people are going mad 皆様お揃いで仮面で寛いで Everyone, come and relax yourself with your mask on 暴かれてくいつか終わる果てまで Falling deeper and deeper in the darkness where you can't even feel your memories 記憶さえも感じれない闇に堕ちてゆく Before the exposing end comes someday 踠いた先に在る孤独と Smile with the loneliness beside you 微笑もう隣で That you feel after struggling 溺れる洗脳群衆蝕んでゆく The hearts of addicted brainwashed people are corroding 捻じ曲げた資本主義が胡座かいています。 Twisted capitalism is getting a free ride. どいつもこいつも性根が腐 Everyone is scum 言い訳他人の所為自分は悪くない Blaming it on others, claiming they did nothing wrong 悶えながら気付かぬまま果てまで Unable to feel any kindness, unable to hear anything 優しささえ感じれないもう何も聞こえない The enclosed heart is being devoured by shadow 閉ざした心は影へと飲み込まれてゆく Before noticing it's reaching the end in struggle You should be just the way you are You should be just the way you are 暴かれてくいつか終わる果てまで Falling deeper and deeper in the darkness where you can't even feel your memories 記憶さえも感じれない闇に堕ちてゆく Before the exposing end comes someday 踠いた先に在る孤独と Smile with the loneliness beside you 微笑もう隣で Thayou feel after struggling

