
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ZIONN-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


揺れている視界 触れ 悪魔が囁く Touch the shaking vision, the devil whispers 猿真似してる奴らが偉そうに Cheap copycats put on airs 蛆彌蛆彌 頭に蛆湧かせてる Making my head infested with maggots 息を止めて 両目塞げ Holding your breath and cover your eyes 僕だけが醒めぬ I'm the only one who isn't awake 影縫う路地裏でピエロが手招く A clown waves in the alley 真っ赤な眼に溢れた黒い涙 Black tears welled up in the bloodshot eyes 真っ赤な嘘抱えて 血まみれさ↓↓ Holding an outright lie, 'cause I'm covered in blood↓↓ 扉開けて 灯り消すよ 化物たち Monsters, I'm gonna open the window and turn off the lights 響く鼓動は怒りを刻む Pumping heartbeats engrave anger 怨み晴らそうか?あの世にsign Shall we seek revenge? Give a sign to that world 恨み晴らそうや 腐るまえに Let's seek revenge before we decay 纏わりついた不条理に心を失くしても Even though we lost our faith to constant nonsense 辿り着いた ここがZIONNだろう We still finally arrived, I guess this is Zion 答えは必要ない An answer isn't necessary* この両手で取り戻せ未来 We're gonna take back our future with our hands ひび割れた この世の果てで 何を見る What will we see at the end of this cracked world 狭い馬車に揺られて運ばれていく Shaking in and being transported by a small carriage 希望のない天使は惡火をしてる Hopeless angels are lighting evil fire* 悪趣味に生きる罪×× ×× the sin of living in bad taste 仔羊 sleeping down…zzz… Lambs, falling asleep... Zzz... 檻の中 こびりついた Stayed close in the cage 残虐spooky+odd show Cruel spooky + odd show 燃える鼓動が、この血を焦がす Profound heartbeat agonises my blood 怨み晴らそうか?あの世にsign Shall we seek revenge? Give a sign to that world 恨み晴らそうや 想うまま Let's seek revenge as we want 怨み晴らそうか?say Hello Hello How&low Shall we seek revenge? Say hello hello How & low 恨み晴らそうや 心のままに Let's follow our heart and seek revenge 纏わりついた不条理に心を失くしても Even though we lost our faith to constant nonsense 辿り着いた ここがZIONNだろう We still finally arrived, I guess this is Zion 答えは必要ない An answer isn't necessary この両手で取り戻せ未来 We're gonna take back our future with our hands これからも守っていける気がしたんだ。 I know we can continue to protect it. 未だ。ここにいるよ No, not yet. I'm here さぁ、この世の果てに何を見て What will we see at the end of this world *Note: 答えは必要ない: Sung as '答えはいらない', which can be translated into 'we don't need no answer'.

