
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

アナザーサイド -再録--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Another Side -Re-recording-’(アナザーサイド -再録-)

秋の朱い空に白く光る星を見つめ Looking at the sparkling bright stars in the autumn red sky 僕の声に無理な笑みを作る君に気がついてた… I noticed you forced a smile at my voice... アイツに別れを告げてから一年余りが過ぎて It has been over a year since I broke up with her 僕を受け入れてくれた日もそんな顔をしてた… That's how she looked on the day she accepted me... 何時までも… 思い出に縋って I always... Hold on to our memories 何時までも… 僕を本当に見ようとはしてくれないんだね… You don't... Want to look at me at all... そうやって現実に目を伏せて生きていく事が Do you know that you living an escapist life 何処までも… 僕の心を傷付けているか解っているのかな… Hurts every bit... Of my heart... ねぇ… 僕を見てよ… Please... Look at me... 僕の想いが千切れてく…君との愛を誓い My adoration is shattering... So is the pinky finger 「ゆびきり」をした小指までも… That I made a 'promise' with for our love with you... たった三センチだったけどソレが君と… It was just 3cm, but that was the only distance... 嗚呼…僕を繋ぐ唯一の距離だったのに… Alas... That connected you and I... 僕の想いが千切れてく…君との愛を誓い My adoration is shattering... So is the pinky finger 「ゆびきり」をした小指までも… That I made a 'promise' with for our love with you... 千切れた愛を戻したくて小指から「運命の赤い糸」を紡ぎ出してた… Was it 'pain' or 'sadness' or 'the brightness of the red sunset'.... 「痛み」か「悲しみ」か「朱い夕日の眩しさ」か… That wanted to fix the broken love and tied a 'red thread of fate' on my pinky... 僕の全てが涙で滲んで何も見えないよ… Tears blur everything of me and I can't see at all...

