
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

脳壊ス。-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Break the Brain.’(脳壊ス。)

だいたい想像つくでしょ Guess you can imagine it 期待裏切らない結末だよ It's an satisfying ending うんざりだなあ シラケる So boring, I'm fed up 今、事態は悪化辿り 最高潮 Now, things are getting worse, at its climax 好きだとか嫌いだとかの言い争い Quarrels liking it hating something 押し問答 面倒くさい 答えは無い Turns into arguments, pain in the neck, this ain't going anywhere もうどうでもいいから バイバイ Whatever, bye アレが欲しい コレが欲しい I want this, I want that 口先だけ 絵空事 戯れ言 It's all mouth, pipe dream, a joke 誰が為 貴方の為 For whom, for you 苦し紛れ 綺麗事 お見事 Compulsion, fancy talk, well done 誰もが生きる 敷かれた凶を Everyone will live for the misfortune ahead 囚われた眼に映る What's reflected in those trapped eyes まるで WONDER LOUD Is just like a WONDER LOUD 望み通りと 言い切れば そりゃ笑えるな If you say that's what you wished for, that's hilarious もう嫌だこんなつまらない世界なら I've had enough of this boring world 南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無 Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo* 終われ。 Die. Welcome to the WONDER LOUD Welcome to the WONDER LOUD DEAD FREE!! DEAD FREE!! 何が欲しい? What do you want? アレが欲しい コレが欲しい I want this, I want that 口先だけ 絵空事 戯れ言 It's all mouth, pipe dream, a joke 誰が為 貴方の為 For whom, for you 苦し紛れ 綺麗事 お見事 Compulsion, fancy talk, well done 誰もが嘆く 敷かれた凶を Everyone sighs for the misfortune ahead 囚われた人に問う Trapped people ask 其処は WONDER LOUD? Is that WONDER LOUD? 望み通りと 言い切れば そりゃ笑えるか If you say that's what you wished for, is that hilarious もう嫌だこんなつまらない世界ならば I've had enough of this boring world 今終わらせて 白紙に戻ったとして End it now, take it back to the drawing board また繰り返すならザマ無いだろ It's embarrassing to repeat, right 南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無南無 Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo 終われ。 Die.

