
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

j am out-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘j am out’

平和ボケお花畑のコメント Why not turning pacifistic naive sayings 美談と化してWhy not? Into impressive stories? 政治家気取りの理屈を並べるんだろ? Bet you can only talk about lofty ideas like a politician, can't you? オマエのうっすい正義感とやらの Did you act on your shallow sense of justice アピールショーを見せる為にわざわざ出向いたのかい? So to put on a show? Jam out!! Jam out!! さぁ 語りましょう!!出し尽くして生きましょう!! Let's talk!! Live to the fullest!! 詰まらないコトをヤメて音の中で Give up on boring stuff 見ているだけで何も言わずに Just watch don't talk when you're in the music 四角い画面と睨めっこ Outstare the square screen そこでのオマエいつもと違う You're different from usual when you're there お喋りなのね Like a chatterbox 何かにつけて文句を吐いて 口を開けばComplaint Bitching about everything, all you can say is complaint まるで自分が経験したかのような口ぶり As if you've experienced it yourself 親しい友と話せばいいだろう Just tell your close friends どうしてそこまで自分をわざわざ世界にばらまく Why do you have to tell the whole world about it Jam out!! Jam out!! さぁ 歌いましょう!!絞り出して生きましょう!! Let's sing!! Live all out!! 下らないコトをヤメて上を目指せ Give up on trashy stuff and aim high 静か過ぎるわ傍観者様 Spectators are way too quiet こちらへどうぞ ブンソウオウ? Come here, does this place befit you? いつもはもっと違うタイプで You're usually much more different 五月蠅い輩ね Are a group of rowdy people Jam out!! Jam out!! さぁ 語りましょう!!出し尽くして生きましょう!! Let's talk!! Live to the fullest!! 詰まらないコトをヤメて音の中で Give up on boring stuff 見ているだけで何も言わずに Just watch don't talk when you're in the music 四角い画面と睨めっこ Outstare the square screen そこでのオマエいつもと違う You're different from usual when you're there お喋りなのね Like a chatterbox

