
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

紅椿-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Red Camellia’(紅椿)

ほぅら 御出ませ Welcome 鬼さん此方 手の鳴る方へ Mr demon, please come towards the clapping sound さぁさ 御覧あれ Here, have a look 色は匂へと 散りぬるを The blossoming flowers will eventually scatter someday* ほぅら 御行きませ This way please 鬼さん彼方 気の向く侭に Mr demon, you may do as you wish over there さぁさ 御緩りと Who are you slowy 何方に堕としませうか Attracting into your love trap あれよあれよ落つるは(果つる底無きの) Voidness, madness, suddenly (To a bottomless) 空、狂、転りと(井底) Fall down (well) 綾なす意図は(抓まんで候) The beautiful intention (as it captures) するり 引き落とし Pulls down smoothly —アヤトリ— —Cat's cradle— 花弁 散ラ 血らり Petals scatter like blood からくれなゐ淫り染めにし 二藍 Deep purple is obscenely stained dark red しとど濡つ密に溺るゝ眩暈 Get drowned in the wet secret place 貴方に囁くのです Whispers at you 「ゆぅらり、と」 'Gent-ly' ほぅら 御逃げませ Now, please escape 鬼さん其方 傀儡が故に Mr Demon is over there, for he is a puppet さぁさ 案内しませうか Shall I show you the way 浅き夢見し 酔ひもせす You shall not have superficial dreams, nor be deluded* あれよあれよ縺るは(雁字に搦みし) Your fingers, neck and legs (trussed up) 指、首、足へと(綾糸) Will be entangled suddenly (by coloured threads) 引き千切るやう(手繰りて候) Like they will be torn apart (as you pull them over) ぎりり 狐を描く Draw a lively fox* —ユビキリ— —Pinky Promises— 「あらら、もう…」 'Oh my goodness…' 散ひて咲ひた艶の花 The glorious flower scatters and blooms 嫋かに絡み付き 露 Explicitness clings to it gracefully 腐れて涸るゝ頃には Will the time when it decays and dries 潮時と相成りませうか Be a good chance 「御生憎様」 'Too bad' *Notes: 色は匂へと 散りぬるを: The first two lines of Iroha. 浅き夢見し 酔ひもせす: The last two lines of Iroha. 狐を描く: Pronounced as 'こ', same as '弧'. Assuming the lyric used the word '狐' but in fact means '弧を描く', which in English means draw an arc.

