
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

マキナ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


静か過ぎる夜に涙溢れた My tears fell on an overly quiet night それは優しい嘘と知って 'Cause I realised it was a gentle lie 僕は隠す様に笑うふりした I faked my smiles so to hide it それは悲しい嘘と言葉にできず今 The inexpressible present is a sad lie 奪い去って季節は繰り返していくのだろう Guess seasons will deprive and repeat 冷たい風に舞って And, dancing in the chilly wind 君を想う個の心も The heart that thinks of you 嗚呼、そっと消えて Ah, will also gently disappear 二度と戻れない時がくるなら If the time that will never come back comes これが最後の嘘と僕は知っていたから I know this is gonna be the last lie 時が経って全てを忘れ去っていくなら If I'm gonna forget everything as time goes by 僕も連れて行って Take me 君を想い書き綴ったあの詩と And the song I wrote whilst thinking of you 奪い去って季節が雪になって降り注ぐ Seasons will deprive and turn into the falling snow 冷たい風に舞って And, dancing in the chilly wind 君を想う故の心も The heart that used to think of you 嗚呼、いつか消えてしまうと言うの Ah, will also disappear someday

