
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

雨夜ニ笑ヱバ-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘If You Smile in the Rainy Night’(雨夜ニ笑ヱバ)

慟哭にも似た私を招く しとしとの中に埋もれた声は The voice buried in the drizzling sound calls me, who looks also like he's wailing 一夜一夜と軋みをあげて ひたひた…ひたひた…夢枕 I hear creaks every night, they steadily... Steadily... Come into my dreams 「ずっと一緒だよ…って約束したじゃない」と伸ばされた手 'Didn't we promise... To be together forever' you said and held out your hand 紫陽花の様な笑い声をあげて喉を絞め付ける… I hear laughters sounding like hydrangeas, they strangle me... 遠のく意識の中で垣間見た懐かしい顔は… When I'm about to lose my consciousness, I saw a face I miss... 幼心に響いた愛を求め彷徨うは夜な夜なに… She yearns for love that touched her young soul and wanders around every night... 剥がれ掛けた口を垂れる声は私を犯して右往左往… Murmurs from the collapsing month disturb and confuse me... 幼い頃はどんな時も隣に居てくれた You're always by my side when we're young 貴女が埃に塗れたのは何時からだったろうか… When did you start being covered up by dust... あの日を取り戻したい それさえもわかってあげれない… I wanted that day to come back, I just want you to know this... 同じ時を生きていたい ただそれだけの事なのに… I want us to be living at the same time, it's all that I wish... 紫陽花の様な笑い声をあげて喉を絞め付ける… I hear laughters sounding like hydrangeas, they strangle me... 遠のく意識の中で垣間見た懐かしい顔は… When I'm about to lose my consciousness, I saw a face I miss... 結び目も見えぬ記憶の糸を優しく梳き解く Gently organise the threads of memory which no knots can be seen 無邪気さ故の残酷さに気がつけぬ貴女… You didn't notice cruelty because of your innocence... 嘆き泣き叫ぶ声は雨に喰われて夜に呑まれる… Sighs and cries are eaten by rain and swallowed up by the night... 紫陽花の様な笑い声は私を犯して右往左往… Laughters sounding like hydrangeas disturb and confuse me...

