
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

男の夢は右手がドリル、左手には✕✕✕-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘A Man's Dream Is to Have a Drill in His Right Hand, and ✕✕✕ in His Left’(男の夢は右手がドリル、左手には✕✕✕)

ハイ奏音注意ミラクルデジベル⚡ Beware of the loud melody, miraculous decibel⚡ 建設メンテナンス音符合点です☆ Construct and maintain, the notes are all good ☆ めっちゃ元気にOPEN MUSIC THEME PARK  MUSIC THEME PARK OPENS with energy 今日はこんな曲を書いて Today I'll write a song like this いつかあんな曲も書いて Someday I'll write a song like that 夢は膨らみ大空へ Dreams are expanding towards the sky 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手にはほら、まだ言えない…! For his left hand, well, he still can't say it! 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手には愛してる And 'I love you' in his left ここで登場!ハンマー!出る杭を打てトントン! Here it is! The hammer! It nails down the stake sticking out, thump thump! 頑張ってBIRTH!アトラクション Working hard on the creation! Of an attraction ザクザクザク穴を掘って Slash slash slash, digging a hole 見えたものはなんだろう? What did I just find? KOJI=Chu(knockout純愛のKISS) UNDER = CONSTRUCTION (heavenly pure KISS) KOJI=Chu(knockout純愛のKISS) UNDER = CONSTRUCTION (heavenly pure KISS) KOJI=Chu(knockout純愛のKISS) UNDER = CONSTRUCTION (heavenly pure KISS) コンプリッションYEAH! Completed, YEAH! 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手にはほら、まだ言えない…! For his left hand, well, he still can't say it! 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手には愛してる And 'I love you' in his left やっぱ登場!ハンマー!出る杭を打てトントン! And here it is! The hammer! It nails down the stake sticking out, thump thump! 頑張ってBIRTH!アトラクション Working hard on the creation! Of an attraction 「あなたのお仕事は何ですか?」 'What do you do for a living?' 今胸を張って言うよミュージシャン! I'm gonna say it proudly - 'I'm a musician!' 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手にはほら、まだ言えない…! For his left hand, well, he still can't say it! 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手はその手を引く為に And hold that hand with his left 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手にはほら、まだ言えない…! For his left hand, well, he still can't say it! 男の夢は右手がドリル A man's dream is to have a drill in his right hand 左手には愛してる And 'I love you' in his left

