
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

堕落-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


ベタな言葉で物言って Speaking in a clichéd tone 個性も何も無えよ聞き飽きた That's insipid, I'm tired of hearing that 競い合うショボい価値観で It's an era of competing with boring values ベラベラ能書きを垂れる時代 And nonstop bragging about oneself Hello また奇特ぶって Hello, act quirky Hello オマージュをバラ撒いて Hello, and pay homage again Hello すぐ味をしめて Hello, get a taste of success right away Hello もう何がしたいんだろ Hello, what you exactly wanna do? 誰もやれない事をしてやろう Do what no one can do 誰も言えない事を歌おう Sing what no one dares to say ねえ BRAIN BREAK 馬鹿ばっかり Hey, BRAIN BREAK, everyone's an idiot ほら Pitiful Human 気付いてる? Hey, pitiful human, did you notice that? 「僕だけが」「君だけが」 'Only me' 'only you' そんなのは誰もが出来得ること That's something anyone is capable of ベタな言葉で物言って Speaking in a clichéd tone 個性も何も無えよ聞き飽きた That's insipid, I'm tired of hearing that お手軽に猿真似をして Imitate briefly はてさてどの口がものを言う Well, so which mouth is gonna speak Hello また奇人ぶって Hello, act like a rare bird Hello オマージュをバラ撒いて Hello, and pay homage again Hello すぐ調子ノって Hello, get cocky right away Hello 全部ダサい Hello, y'all are so lame ねえ BRAIN BREAK 馬鹿ばっかり Hey, BRAIN BREAK, everyone's an idiot ほら Pitiful Human 気付いてる? Hey, pitiful human, did you notice that? 「僕だけが」「君だけが」 'Only me' 'only you' そんなのは誰もが出来得ること That's something anyone is capable of BRAIN BREAK 拗らせて BRAIN BREAK, worsening it ほら Pitiful Human Hey, pitiful human くだらない揚げ足を取り取られ地団駄踏む Nitpick and be nitpicked about worthless stuff, and pitch a fit 「僕は個性派」と今日もくだらない夢を見る 'I'm original,' and have a boring dream again today

