
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

天邪鬼-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


私はまた一つ嘘を吐いた まるで意味を成さぬ巫山戯 I told a lie again, as if a meaningless joke 吐き出す言の葉は袖触れ合う縁 故に絡み付く We entangle for the uttered words is our fate だからまた一つ嘘を吐いた 私を拐かす巫山戯 So I told a lie again, a joke that abducts me その果てに辿り着いた眞秀場 犇めき合うは烏合の衆 Reached the utopia, the rabble crowds together 人の形を模した影に紛れ 踏み潰されぬ様 息を潜めては生き長らえる Sneaking into human-like shadows, if you hold your breath so as not to be destroyed, you will live a long life 「死んでしまえば…お終い」 'If you are dead…this is the end' 誰に倣い 誰に依い 誰の何かに怯え Whom do you imitate, whom do you depend on, whose something do you fear これが「私」だと宣おうとも 聞く耳は絶無 Though you want to tell this is 'me', none wishes to know 拍手喝采の清廉 死せば跡形も無し The applauding pureness vanishes if I am dead ならばどう生きれば良い? Then how should you live? 私は天邪鬼 I am Amanojaku 目を閉じ闇に堕つ 然れどこびり付いている Though falling into darkness with my eyes closed, it still does not leave me 耳を塞ぎ闇に堕つ 然れど鳴り響く Though falling into darkness with my ears blocked, it still tingles 嗚呼…私を飼い慣らす それは誰かの蜜の味 Ah……whose misfortune tames me* 嗚呼…私を飼い殺す 私の蜜の味 Ah…… my misfortune keeps me useless for my whole life* 「人間」は一人で生きるに非ず 貪り貪られ穴だらけ 'Humans' do not live alone, they crave for each other and are covered with holes 「人」は独りで生き...死に果てる 「私」とは何? その意味は? 'People' live alone... until death. What am 'I'? What does that mean? さぁ、何に目を瞑る? Now, what are you turning a blind eye to? さぁ、何に耳を貸す? Now, what are you lending an ear to? さぁ、何に口を噤む? Now, what are you keeping silence of? 何を謳い 何を乞い 何を叫び散らして What do you praise, what do you beseech, what do you cry for これが「私」だと宣おうとも 聞く耳は絶無 Though you want to tell this is 'me', none wishes to know 後指を指されようと 死せば跡形も無し If people gossip behind my back, I vanish if I am dead ならばどう生きれば良い? Then how should you live? 私は天邪鬼 I am Amanojaku 生きて死すか 死して生きるか Alive but dead, or dead but alive 今一度問う心音 Ask your heart again あなたも天邪鬼? Are you also Amanojaku? 「あなたはただ、あなたで在れ」 'You are just, being yourself' *Notes: 天邪鬼: Amanojaku, literally means 'heavenly evil spirit', a kind of Japanese supernatural monsters and spirits. It is a symbol of mortals' worries in Buddhism. The word originally means the spirit that is able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigates them into perpetrating wicked deeds, but now it generally means those who have different or opposite words and deeds to the majorities. Hence, it can be used as an adjective like '天邪鬼な人', which literally means a heavenly-evil-spirit-like person/ an Amanojaku-like person. 蜜の味: Could be from the idiom '他人の不幸は蜜の味', which can be literally translated as 'the misfortune of others tastes as sweet as honey' and means schadenfreude. 飼い殺す: Meaning hiring a person without letting them to fully show their ability or keeping an useless pet till it dies

