
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

SODOM-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


嗚呼、禍々しい Alas, how ominous 世界がまた不幸を選んでくいつも The world is choosing ill again as always To be honest, I hate me. To be honest, I hate myself. 音をたてて Make some noise To be honest, I hate me. To be honest, I hate myself. 崩れていく It's collapsing どうして止まることを知らず負の連鎖に Why am I falling into the endless vicious cycle To be honest, you hate you. To be honest, you hate yourself. 音をたてて Make some noise To be honest, you hate you. To be honest, you hate yourself. 飲まれてく I'm being swallowed up So doom. So doom. Please accept your fate. Please accept your fate. 変われないなら死んでこい Just die if nothing can be changed So doom. So doom. I beg your hate. I beg your hate. サヨナラ。赤と涙と君と僕。 Farewell. Red and tears, and you and me. 誰もが手にしたがるよくできた解答に If you even have to seek the way of death 死に方まで頼るのなら生きる意味はないから In the answer that everyone desires, then there's no reason to live 嗚呼、禍々しい世界はまた不幸を選んでくいつも Alas, as always, the ominous world is choosing ill again To be honest, I hate me. To be honest, I hate myself. また一人 I'm all by myself again To be honest, I hate me. To be honest, I hate myself. 壊れてく It's rotting “Want to die.” ‘Want to die.’ I am past redemption. I am past redemption. Who ever said so? Who ever said so? So doom. So doom. Please accept your fate. Please accept your fate. 変われないなら死んでこい Just die if nothing can be changed So doom. So doom. I beg your hate. I beg your hate. サヨナラ。赤と涙と君と僕。 Farewell. Red and tears, and you and me. So doom. So doom. Please accept your fate. Please accept your fate. 目を背けても付きまとう It follows me even I turned away So doom. So doom. I beg your hate. I beg your hate. それでも君を救いたいと願う Even so, I still pray to save you 誰もが手にしたがるよくできた解答に If you even have to seek the way of death 死に方まで頼るのなら生きる意味はないから In the answer that everyone desires, then there's no reason to live 弱さを忌み嫌ってもし君が泣くなら I detest weakness, but if you cry, 終わらせるべきは穢れたくだらない世界だろ The filthy boring world should be the one to be ended

