
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

天華-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「天華」(Celestial Flower)

拝啓、__樣 Dear, Mr ___* 実りの秋となり、木々の梢も色づひて参りました。 The harvest season has arrived, and the colour of treetops have changed.* ー中略ー -Omit- この胸、焦がれ焦れるやうに。 Like how my heart for you fretfully dies. 温みが 今も 未だあります。 The warmth is still present. __を 恋ひ慕ひます。 I adore ___.* 煌々と照らす木漏れ日を切なく感じて心に沁み入る When the bright sunshine through the trees filters, sadness comes and touches my heart 君よ、何処へ…何時までも待ってゐます Where are you going... I will always wait for you 打ち拉がれた蒼 朱く染まる The devastated sky is dyed vermilion 彼行けば 枯れ生きて 風と成りけり For he is gone, I will be in a living death and turn into wind* 終焉の閃光に 両手翳して I shade my eyes with my hands in the flash of death 拝啓、__さん Dear, Miss ___* 冷雨が降り続く鉛色の空は今日も泣ひております。 The grey sky where cold rain falls cries still today. ー中略ー -Omit- 笑顔で きっと 帰ります。 I say I will be back with a smile. 含羞む写真をお守りに。 I take the photo that you look bashful as my amulet. __よ どうか それまで… Pray, wait for me...* ゆらゆらと揺れる篝火は刹那に嘶き烈しく耀く Suddenly calls the flaring bonfire and shines wildly 君よ、何処へ…何時までも呼んでゐます Where are you going... I will always search for you* 打ち拉がれた蒼 朱く染まる The devastated sky is dyed vermilion 我征けば 破れ逝きて 風と成りけり For I left for the front, I will lose and perish, and turn into wind 終焉の閃光に 両手翳した I shaded my eyes with my hands in the flash of death 「我が愛よ、幸あらん事を…」 'O, my beloved, may God bless you...' 君よ、何処へ…何時までも咲ひてゐます Where are you going... I will always bloom for you 掴めると信じて 双手翳した Believing I can grasp, I held my hands up 彼行きて 我征けば 潰へても尚… For she is gone and I went to the front, though everything to naught comes, still...* 此のまゝ枯れやうと華は朽ちず The flower will wither, yet it will never decay 一輪の天華と生つて And will be a celestial flower* *Notes: 拝啓、__樣: Only 拝啓 was sung. 樣 could mean Mr or Miss. However, 樣 is usually used on someone with a higher status. As men has always had a higher social status than women in Japan in the past (so is now), it is probably referring to a man. 木々の梢も色づひて参りました: The lyric is not sung. __を 恋ひ慕ひます。: __ was sung as 'あなた', which is 貴女 or 貴方 in Kanji (as there are two underlines in the lyric). The kanji here probably is 貴方 as it is a letter to a man. 彼行けば: ば can be used with verbs in irrealis and realis form to mean if and because respectively in old Japanese. As 行く is in realis form, the lyric means for he is gone. The meaning of ば is the same for other lyrics. Same as the meaning of gone, 行く can mean leaving for a place or dead. 枯れ生きて: The word is pronounced as 'かれゆく', which the kanji can be 枯れ行く, meaning wither. Hence, the lyric can also mean I will wither. 風と成りけり: 'けり' can be used to imply past experience or exclamation. However, it cannot be used in expressive personal past experience. Thus, it is used to express exclamation. This is the same for other lyrics. 拝啓、__さん: Only 拝啓 was sung. さん could mean Mr or Miss. As from the context, it means miss. 鉛色の空は今日も泣ひております: The lyric is not sung. __よ どうか それまで…: __ is sung as 'あなた'. The kanji here probably is 貴女, as it is a letter to a woman. 双手翳した: 翳す can mean shade one's eyes (with hand) or hold up (one's hand), it means the latter in the lyrics. 何時までも呼んでゐます: 呼ぶ means call. The lyric is translated into 'I will always search for you' as always calling for someone can imply a meaning of searching for them 彼行きて: In modern Japanese, 彼 means he, but it could also be used to refer to a woman in old Japanese. 天華: It probably means the celestial flower in Buddhism, white lycoris radiata. In Japanese culture, red lycoris radiata is the flower on the road to the land of dead. Thus, this can imply that the couple died. For more information about white lycoris radiata, please see: https://ganref.jp/m/hanatorimushi/portfolios/photo_detail/280925

