
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

テグラマグラ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「テグラマグラ」(Unclear Future)

変われない帰れない あの頃の無垢な姿に I cannot be changed, cannot return, to the purity in those days 戯言も見破れば ほら見えたヘドニストの嘘 If even jokes are seen through, see, they're hedonists' jokes 愛したい愛せない 鏡に映る姿さえ Even the figure in mirror eagers love, cannot love 感情に溺れたら 味蕾に触れ咲いた If I get lost in feelings, things touch the taste buds and bloom 花弁ゆられて風にそよぐなら Petals sway, if they rustle in the wind 螺旋の夜に舞う夢見心地のままで they dance in the night of screw like in a dream 何に縋り何を思う What do I depend on, what is on my mind 戻りたい戻れないあの頃に I want to return, cannot return, to those days 飾られた思い出は笑いかけて The decorated memories smile 隠したい隠せない傷跡も I even want to hide, but I can't hide my scars 胃の中を吐き出せば If I spew everything in my stomach 忘れ去るのでしょうか Can I completely forget everything 泣いて喚く其れは無様だった Wailing was ungainly 花は枯れ落ちて腐り朽ち果てた Flowers withered and fell, utterly rotted 螺旋の夜に散る運命と知り Knowing their fate of decaying in the night of screw ユラユラ消えて逝った They swayed and disappeared *註解: テグラマグラ:Kanji is '手暗目暗', which means having no clear outlook

