
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

舌切雀-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「舌切雀」(Tongue-Cut Sparrow)

泣き叫ぶは甲高い 耳鳴りにも似た声が The wailing is shrill, like ringings あちら、こちら、そちら、どちら… Slipping through the plugging fingers into my ears 塞ぐ指をすり抜ける From everywhere... 逃げ惑うは泣き濡らし 道無き道は闇の中 I run around trying to escape with tears all over my face... あちら、こちら、そちら、どちら… The pathless path is a total darkness 断末魔の静寂へ Towards the silence of deathbed 抉り出された僕の朱い言葉は My vermilion words, being gouged out, 千切れてのた打ち回り跳ねる Are torn into pieces, they writhe and burst 吐き出せずに飲み込む事も出来ずに… I cannot even swallow them without wanting to vomit... ただ…ただ…僕を逆巻きうねるだけ… Merely... Merely... They are merely making me mad... 千切れ…千切れし舞うは言の葉 Shatter... Words shatter and fall 流れ…流れし朱の海 Flow... The sea of vermilion flows 絡み…絡むは静寂の檻 Entangle... entangle in the cage of silence 腐敗の末路は舌の絶 The fate of depravity is the severance of tongue 苦しくてもそれを伝えられない… Though I am in agony, it cannot be heard 悲しくてもそれを伝えられない… Though I am in sorrow, it cannot be heard 今の僕は哀れな「舌切雀」 I am a pitiful ‘tongue-cut sparrow’ ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………。 *Notes: 舌切雀: a traditional Japanese fable telling of a kind old man, his avaricious wife and an injured sparrow. The story explores the effects of greed, friendship and jealousy on the characters. For more information, please look at wikipedia

