
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

日出ズル國-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「日出ズル國」(Land of the Rising Sun)

言の葉 目隠し 空白の声 音は無い Covering the words, the blank voice is soundless 心の臓 目隠し 漆黒の声 光は無い Covering the heart, the black voice is lightless 君が代は千代に八千代にさざれ石の巌となりて苔のむすまで* Thousands of years of happy reign be thine; Rule on, my lord, until what are pebbles now By ages united to mighty rocks shall grow Whose venerable sides the moss doth line 泪に溺れた千代に八千代に 音は無い We have been drowned in tears for thousands of years silently 泪が枯れても千代に八千代に 光は無い Even our tears are dried, there shall be lightless for thousands of years 骨の悲鳴を喰らい飲み込め Take the cries of blood* 肉の悲鳴を喰らい飲み込め Take the cries of flash* 翳し仰ぐその手は何を掴むか… What will those praying hands catch... 現の闇に塗れ They are covered with the darkness of reality 揺れて流れ淀みに藻掻く掌 Sway, the hand that writheth between flow and halt 己が命を賭して You stake your life 諸行無常 邯鄲の夢 流転の暁を All things must pass, life is just a dream, let the changing dawn break 骨の悲鳴を喰らい飲み込み、その声に耳を傾けろ Take the cries of blood, lend an ear to that voice 肉の悲鳴を喰らい飲み込み、その目を背ける事無かれ Take the cries of flesh, you shouldn't turn away from that eye 死に繋がれて生きて 天を仰げば虚ろ You are alive but dead, the sky will be empty if you look up その手の先を刮目 Look at that fingertip with a new eye 醜く足掻き そして誇れよ 咲き散り乱れる様を Struggle unsightly, and than be proud of the way it blooms and scatters *註解: 日出ズル國:Land of the Rising Sun, i.e. Japan 君が代は千代に八千代にさざれ石の巌となりて苔のむすまで: The spoken part is the Japanese national anthem ‘Kimigayo (His Imperial Majesty's Reign)’, it is not included in the official lyrics. The translation is from Basil Hall Chamberlain. For more information, please see wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimigayo 骨の悲鳴 肉の悲鳴: 骨肉 means blood and flesh. As 肉 means flesh, 骨 is translated into blood, though it actually means bone

