
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

恋心 -再構築--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「恋心 -再構築-」(Love -Reconstruction-)

満たされぬ想が僕を唆す ⼰が幸は何を意味するのか、と… The ungratified thought tempts me, asking what does happiness mean to me... 満たされぬ想が僕の⼿を引いた ⼰が幸に何を迷う The ungratified thought led me, why do I hesitiate in happiness 堂々巡りの中で⾏ったり来たり ふらふら腐爛 Swaying in circles, your body rots away 寄せて返し淀み腐る 崩れ落ちる様は絢爛 Waves stagnate and decay, the way you collapse is georgous 揺らぐ想にただ⾝を委ね 歪に捩れ堕とされた I was only devoting myself to my wavering thought, I twisted and fell in distortion 君へ捧ぐ禍々しさ 「愛」に成れぬ恋慕の情 The ominousness I dedicate to you is my feeling that cannot be ‘love’ 嘘と偽り 滴る蜜 ⽷引く⽢美 溺れる様 Lies and falsehood are dripping honey, the sweetness is stringy, like it will make me fall 鳴き喘ぐ姿にぽつり…⼼から願う I mutter at you who are screaming in pain... I sincerely 「君に幸あれ」 ‘Wish you happiness’ 涙も笑顔さえも枯れ果てて尚君は耽美 Even tears and smiles will wither completely, but your beauty is still making me indulge

