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Chemtrails over the Country Club-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Chemtrails Over the Country Club」(鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡)

I'm on the run with you, my sweet love 我與你一起奔逃,我至親的愛人 There's nothing wrong contemplating God 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下 Under the chemtrails over the country club 默觀上主並無不妥 Wearin' our jewels in the swimming pool 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下 Me and my sister just playin' it cool 我和我的妹妹在泳池裏戴着我們的珠寶 Under the chemtrails over the country club 故作灑脫 Take out your turquoise and all of your jewels 拿出你的綠松石和所有的硃寶 Go to the market, the kids' swimming pools 到市集去,孩子們的泳池 Baby, what's your sign? 寶貝,你的星座是甚麼? My moon's in Leo, my Cancer is sun 我的月亮位於獅子座,我的太陽是巨蟹座 You won't play, you're no fun 你不會玩樂,你毫不有趣 Well, I don't care what they think 其實我也不在意他們怎麼想 Drag racing my little red sports car 飆駕我的紅色小跑車 I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild 我沒有瘋掉也沒有難過,我只是放蕩不羈 I'm on the run with you, my sweet love 我與你一起奔逃,我至親的愛人 There's nothing wrong contemplating God 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下 Under the chemtrails over the country club 默觀上主並無不妥 Wearin' our jewels in the swimming pool 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下 Me and my sister just playin' it cool 我和我的妹妹在泳池裏穿我們的珠寶 Under the chemtrails over the country club 故作灑脫 Meet you for coffee at the elementary schools 為了咖啡而與你在小學裏見面 We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool 我們為毫不重要的事而笑,因為夏日變得涼快 It's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me 這淵深的正常狀態安頓於我真是美妙的事 I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild 我沒有感到無聊也沒有覺得難過,我仍然奇異又放蕩 You're in the wind, I'm in the water 你是風象,我是水象 Nobody's son, nobody's daughter 不是誰的兒子,不是誰的女兒 Watching the chemtrails over the country club 看着鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡 Suburbia, The Brentwood Market 市郊,布倫特伍德市場 What to do next? Maybe we'll love it 接下來做甚麼好?可能我們會愛上它 White picket chemtrails over the country club 鄉村俱樂部上方白色柵欄般的化學尾跡 My love, my love 我的至愛,我的至愛 Washing my hair, doing the laundry 為我洗髮,洗衣熨服 Late night TV, I want you on me 當晚上的娛樂節目播放時,我想你在我之上 Like when we were kids under chemtrails and country clubs 就像我們小時候在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下 It's never too late, baby, so don't give up 永遠不太遲,寶貝,所以別放棄 It's never too late, baby, so don't give up 永遠不太遲,寶貝,所以別放棄 Under the chemtrails over the country club, yeah (You're born in December and I'm born in June) 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下(你在十二月出生而我在六月) Under the chemtrails, over the country club, yeah (You're born in December and I'm born in June) 在鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡下(你在十二月出生而我在六月) My Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon 我的太陽是巨蟹座而月亮是獅子座 My Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon 我的太陽是巨蟹座而月亮是獅子座

