
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

明鏡止水-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「明鏡止水」(Clear Mirror, Still Water)

一面の銀世界が歪の成れの果てであるように… May the silver world be the tragic end… 揃えた両足に力込め踏み出した I put strength into the ready feet and stepped forward 刹那の中で感じていた切なさは The pain I felt in an instant is 自分自身を守り抜く事がこんな形でしかできない I can only defend myself thoroughly in this way 自分自身と初めて向き合う事が出来たから? For this is the first time I can face myself? 透明色の僕で在りたかった 君が君で僕がで在るように I wished to be clear, may you be you like I do 青い理想と罵られ、黒い現実押し付けられ My dreams are being insulted as naive, I am forced to the ugly reality 鏡に映るは似て非なる僕… The reflection in the mirror looks like me but is not me... 遠目に見てた君は今でも 君で在る事守りぬけてますか? Are you, gazed away, still defending for yourself? 赤い痛みが腫れ上がり、艶やかに色付く前に… The scarlet pain swells up, before it is coloured vividly... せめて真っ白なままで枯れ誇る… At least wither with pride in pure whiteness... 手を離せばバラバラになれて楽なのに If I let go, I can shatter and feel easy それが出来ずにいるのは未練?それとも執着? I can't do it because of regret? Or because of obstinacy? 自分自身を取り繕う事が望まない明日を生むのに If I hide myself, the undesired to-morrow comes 自分自身に認めて欲しくて望みを明日に生む… Still, I want to be recognised, so I hope for to-morrow... 「強い心」の本当の意味 The true meaning of ‘a strong heart’ 心が心を偽れる事 Is to deceive your heart 一面の銀世界が歪の成れの果てであるように… May the silver world be the tragic end… 透明色の僕で在りたかった 君が君で僕がで在るように I wished to be clear, may you be you like I do 青い理想と罵られ、黒い現実押し付けられ Dreams are being insulted as naive, I am forced to the ugly reality 鏡に映るは似て非なる僕… The reflection in the mirror looks like me but is not me... 遠目に見てた君は今でも 君で在る事守りぬけてますか? Are you, gazed away, still defending for yourself? 赤い痛みが腫れ上がり、艶やかに色付く前に… The scarlet pain swells up, before it is coloured vividly... せめて真っ白なままで枯れ誇る… At least wither with pride in pure whiteness... *Notes: 明鏡止水: Literally ‘clear mirror, still water’, means calm state of mind. Based on early Chinese Daoist concepts.

