
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

アートはお前なんかに壊せない-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「アートはお前なんかに壊せない」(Art Is Undestroyable)

いつからだ才能は使い捨てになって When has talent become disposable 鼬ごっこ追いかけっこ周りを睨めば And looks like endless hide-and-seek if I stare around 理想がだんだん灰になる Dreams are turning into ashes 味が無くなって吐き出した ガムみたいに踏み潰した Losing its taste, I spitted and stepped it like a piece of gum 誰かの生き様さえ 無かった事のように贋作を重ねていく They pretend that not even somebody’s way of living has ever existed, and make counterfeits again and again 思考がだんだん灰になる Thoughts are turning into ashes 侵される侵されるを重ねる I’m bring infringed again and again 芸術なんて芸術なんて幻滅だって Art vanishes into thin air Ah 時代を盾にする Ah, they use times as their shield 卑怯者の屁理屈なんてちっぽけだ Cowards have quibbles like a drop in the ocean 僕は何を唄う こんな現代に What am I singing in this modern time* 回答え無き世界へ向けた I faced to the world that has no answer 過去をなぞるだけの感覚じゃ何も壊せやしない If it’s just feelings following the past, then it can destroy nothing 怯えてる怯えてるもう消えてく It’s frightening, I'm disappearing 芸術なんて芸術なんて全滅だって Art is totally destroyed Ah 気が触れそうになる Ah, I’m going mad 恨めしいなニセモノが今日も流れる Hateful counterfeits are still being played today 僕は何を唄う こんな現代に What am I singing in this modern time 回答え無き世界へ向けた I faced to the world that has no answer 心無い言葉や音だけじゃ誰も救えやしない If it’s just words and sounds, then it can save nobody 救えない Nobody *Note: こんな現代に: ‘現代’ is pronounced as ‘いま (今)’, so the whole sentence can also mean ‘what am I singing now’

