
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

煉獄-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


「私は引く手数多のお人形さんです」 ‘I am the doll people flavour’ …御床の餌食… ... A prey on bed... 「動かない軀が怨めしいのです」 ‘The still body feels hatred’ いざ、御待ち兼ねの御開帳の宵 Now, the long-awaited night of revelation will begin* 垂れ流す偽りの愛に舌舐めずりを… Lick their lips at the fake love... 肉欲塗れ Filled with lust てらてら光る閃の絶望 If the shining flash of despair pierces 突き刺せば開花 The flower blooms 其の身を焦がして悶え狂う茜 瞼閉ざせば煉獄の海 Madder distresses the body, it feels like floating in the sea of purgatory if it close its eyes 爛れた喉元を這いずり回る黒焦げの叫び 降り注ぐ嘲笑の雨 Charred scream crawls in its festered throat, the rain of laughters pours 嗚呼… Ah... 痛みに焼き尽くされた私 彩るは歪色の虹 I, burnt up in sorrow, am adorned by the rainbow of twisted colours 獄への渡しがいっその事泥の船ならば片道で済んだのでしょう… If the boat to hell is made of mud, then I probably can only take it once... 吐瀉物に溺死 I'm drowning in vomit 吐いて… I vomit... 吐いて… Vomit... 吐いて… Vomit... 吐いて… And vomit... 助けて… Help... 届かぬ声 No one hears me 嬲られて弄ばれ 飽きが来れば襤褸の様に檻の中へ I, being tortured and toyed, shall be caged whilst in rags if tiredness comes 飼い殺しの日々 The days where I am kept till my death 今宵もまたお呼びが掛かる I am still being called tonight 毟り取られた華の命 The life of flower is being taken away てらてら光る閃の絶望 If the shining flash of despair pierces 突き刺せば開花 The flower blooms 其の身を焦がして悶え狂う茜 瞼閉ざせば煉獄の海 Madder distresses the body, it feels like floating in the sea of purgatory if it close its eyes 爛れた喉元を這いずり回る黒焦げの叫び 降り注ぐ嘲笑の雨 Charred scream crawls in its festered throat, the rain of laughters pours 其の身を捩らせ悶え狂う茜 心閉ざせば煉獄の海 Madder torments the body, it feels like floating in the sea of purgatory if it locks its heart away ずぶ濡れになれども枯渇に喘ぐ黒焦げの叫び 潤わぬ嘲笑の雨 The charred scream still struggles in parchedness even if it's soaking wet, the rain of laughters moists nothing 其の身を窶して悶え狂う茜 全て飲み込む煉獄の海 Madder exhausts the body, the sea of purgatory swallows up everything 私は私に別れを告げて掌を合わせ 御焚上げに燻るは嘗て抱いた小さな希望…夢… I bid farewell to myself and fold my hands, the little hope and fantasy I once tried to embrace... Burn in the bonfire.... もう何も求めたりはしない… もう何も与えたりはしない… I want no more... I shall give no more... あの煉獄の光は何も導かない… The light of purgatory will not guide... 私は結局…唯のお人形なのですから人で在りたいなどと願う事が間違いで… After all... I am just a doll, so wishes like wanting to be like a human are wrong... もしも叶うのなら一言「さよなら」を告げたいと思いましたが… If they could come true, I wished to say 'goodbye'... 一体誰に…? But to whom...? *Notes: 御開帳: The ‘Zenko-ji Maedaichi Honzon Gokaicho’, or simply ‘Gokaicho’, is a festival celebrates the history and heritage of Zenko-ji with the public display of the Maedachi Honzon – a replica of the hidden statue every 6 to 7 years. During the festival the statue is moved into the inner sanctuary of the temple’s main hall and revealed to those in attendance. However, in slangs, ‘gokaicho’can also mean a woman (generally strippers) showing her vulva to the crowd.

