
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

毒虫-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「毒虫」(Poisonous Insects)

脳内根を生やした 醜い思考は Ugly thoughts grew the cranial nerves 「どっから湧いてきた?」って とぼけた顔して Thinking ‘where did they well up from?’ with an innocent face 全部を擦りつけては また繰り返して When I lay the blame on someone else, it repeats again 同じ事を聞くんだ「誰のせいだ?」と I heard the same thing, ‘whose fault is that?’ やっぱね くだらねえ It's dumb as hell 嗚呼、溜め息出ちゃうなあ Ah, I can't keep my sighs shit!! 懺悔だって? Shit!! Confession? 悪意?善意?どうにでもなれ Malice? Benevolence? Whatever 嗚呼、虫酸が走るなあ Ah, it makes me so sick 嫉妬拗らせて 敵意故に道理外れる Jealousy is getting worse, and hostility makes me err from the right 「僕を吐きだせ」 ‘Spit me out’* じゃないと思考もダメになるよ? Otherwise you'll even lose your mind? just live on 全て失って 意味もなさないなら Just live on, if I lose everything and things go meaningless 誰のお咎めも無し 愚か者は 無邪気に笑った It's no one’s fault, the fool smiled innocently 傷の舐め合いなんて 皆慣れたものだって Everyone is used to licking each other’s wound 僕ら真っ赤なウソ 身に纏う We put on downright lies お洒落に着こなして Dress up stylishly 警告毒虫脳内増殖氾濫暴走 Warning, poisonous insects multiply, inundate and go out of control in the brain 「イカレ虫ガ」 ‘Abnormal insects’ 嗚呼、溜め息出ちゃうなあ Ah, I can’t keep my sighs shit!! なんでかって? Shit!! Why? 悪意 善意 どうにでもなれ Whatever it's malice or benevolence 嗚呼、虫酸が走るなあ Ah, it is making me so sick 嫉妬拗らせて Jealousy is getting worse 敵意故に道理外れて 思考がダメになる Hostility makes me err from the right, and I'm losing my mind もうどうにでもなって Whatever it'll be 全て失って 意味もなさないなら If I lose everything and things go meaningless 誰のお咎めも無し 愚か者は無邪気に笑った It's no one's fault, the fool laughs innocently 傷の舐め合いなんて 皆お手の物だって Everyone is good at licking each other's wound 僕ら真っ赤なウソ 身に纏う We put on downright lies お洒落に着こなして Dress up stylishly 毒虫が笑う Poisonous insects laugh *Notes: 毒虫: Apart from insects, the word ‘虫’ can also mean emotion. Thus, 毒虫 can mean ‘poisonous insects’ and ‘poisonous emotions’. 「僕を吐きだせ」: The actual lyric is 「毒虫を吐きだせ」, which means ‘spit me out’

