
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

不謹慎が笑う-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「不謹慎が笑う」(Imprudence Laughs)

興味本位だってあるでしょう? It could be just curiosity, right? ネットで見たデタラメな NEWS Nonsense news I saw on the net それを信じた僕はなぜ疑いもしなくて Why did I who believe in that didn't doubt at all 嘘つきなやつの血はドス黒くて汚ないらしい Liars seem to have black and dirty blood どれ程なものか恐る恐る切りつけた How good was that guy? I stabbed with fear Dirty blood!!!! Dirty blood!!!! Holy shit!!!! Holy shit!!!! 止めらんない既に重症 完全に(行)き違っちゃったんだ It's too late - unstoppable - things went completed wrong 慌てて絆創膏で止めたら If I try to stop it with plasters ほらまた元通りだよ See, it's what it was again ほらまた元通りになるから See, it'll be the way it was again 散らかってしまった僕の部屋 My room is in a total mess because of her fault アイツのせいだ綺麗にしなきゃ I gotta keep it clean again 荷が重いけどね親が来る前にかたそう The burden is heavy, but let me tidy up before my parents come 誰のせいだと言うなら未完成なお前のせいだ If I have to say whose fault it is, it's your fault なんだか段々ムカついてきた I don't know why but I'm losing it 早く消えていなくなれ Just get lost Dirty blood!!!! Dirty blood!!!! Holy shit!!!! Holy shit!!!! 止めらんない僕の感情 完全に(行)き違っちゃったんだ My feeling is unstoppable, it went completely wrong そうだ全部なかったことにしよう Yes, let's take it as nothing had happened ねえまた元通りだよ Look, it's what it was again ほらまた元通りだよ See, it's what it was again ほらまた元通りになるから See, it'll be the way it was again これで君も楽になれるよ So can you also feel easy これで君も自由になれるよ So can you also be free

