
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

アノニマス-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


ハローアノニマス* Hello, anonymous 誰が言ったか名言「この世は美しい」って ‘Life is beautiful’, whose saying is that どこを見てんだろ そんな言葉は嘘だろ Where did I see it, I guess it's a lie 役に立ったか迷言「誰もが平等だ」なんて ‘Everyone is equal’, was a useful fake wisdom 信じて生きてる方が馬鹿みたいでしょ Those who believe and live it out are stupid, right BAD だって雑破業が故 叶わない指切りげんまん I'm rebuffed because I love making agreements, promises aren't kept* ほらね やっぱね 絶対なんてどこにあるんだ? See, nothing is absolute, isn't it? 神に誓っても何の得をする気もしねーよ You'll get nothing even if you vow to god 何に縋っても損な役回りなら死ねよ Just die if you're still star-crossed no matter what you're relied on ねぇねぇねぇ Hey, hey, hey 誓っても 縋っても 違っても* Even if you vow, even if you rely on, even if you're wrong 消えたくて沈んだあの夜に想いが溢れて目を伏せた On the night I wanted to disappear and felt downhearted, my memories overflew and I looked down 孤独は無情に心を締め付け吊るした Loneliness ruthlessly wrung and hung my heart 「もう君はダメだ」と ‘You’re hopeless’ 誰が言ったか名言「この世は美しい」って ‘Life is beautiful’, whose saying is that 何も見ちゃいないんだこのフシアナが I can see nothing Butだって雑破業が無理 裏切りが人生の大半 But I can no longer make promises, I’m betrayed for most of my life ほらね やっぱね 生きる意味なんてあるの? See, there's no reason to live, isn't it? ねぇねぇねぇ Hey, hey, hey 誓っても 縋っても 違っても* Even if you vow, even if you rely on, even if you're wrong 死にたくて塞いだあの夜に未練が滲んで目を伏せた On the night I wanted to die and felt gloomy, I was brimmed with regrets and I looked down 孤独は無情に心を縛って吊るした Loneliness ruthlessly tied and hung my heart もう誰も救えないこの僕に居場所を与えてくれたなら If I, who am unsavable, am given a shelter 行き場を失くして彷徨うくだらない終わりを Having nowhere to go, I wander around and wait for the boring end ねえ避けられるのに Hey, it should be avoidable 生きたくて叫んだあの夜に想いが笑って手を振れば On the night I wanted to live and cried, my memories laughed at me and waved 孤独が無情に喉元縛って吊るした Loneliness ruthlessly tied and hung my throat もう誰も救えないこの夜に行方も知らず笑えたら On this unsavable night, if I laughed for not knowing what's ahead 迷いも憂いも忘れてくだらない終わりを描くから Forget all the doubts and grieves, as I'm painting the boring end *Notes: *‎Lyrics are not on the official lyrics 雑破業: Zappa Gou, Japanese male juvenile porno writer and screenwriter, a Kansai person who loves making agreement the most. He might be a metaphor of agreements and promises

